Hiatus almost over!

Alright guys!  Start the countdown clocks!  I make a full return on 6/2!  ALL stories will be updated starting from 6/2!  WOOHOO!

Let's see to update you all...

My dream came true - I finally met my soulmate, Jinwoo.  I am a Korean teenager trapped inside an older Irish girl's body!  He could see that - after we met it has been wonderful!  We are engaged to be married a little later this year.  I took hiatus so I could travel to see him and spend some time with him - he just graduated from college for his second career.  Being a Civil Engineer wasn't what he wanted to do so he quit his job in Korea and moved to the states.  Now he has graduated with a degree in Cisco Systems Engineering and works with computers and phone system.  He likes it quite a bit.  

He is moving up to where I live to be with me at the end of the summer - so I had to move and prepare a place for us to live.  :)

In less than six weeks, I will stand before a judge and have my name legally changed to my Korean name that I have used as a nickname for years - Jiyoon.  That way when we marry - I will become Lee Jiyoon!  YAY!

He is excited to continue helping me learn Korean and we will one day move back to Seoul where his family lives.  I have learned to cook many Korean foods and this makes him very happy.

My future looks amazing and I'm inspired to write so many new stories but my promise to you dear readers is:  I will complete ALL my stories before I start any new ones.  The lone exception is Boundless Love - that one will take a LOOOOOOONG time to complete - it is a full novel.  One that I hope will be published someday.

So back to hiatus I go for a couple more weeks.  Moving !  Love does not!  There's my little dose of wisdom for ya!  LOL

Love you all!

Jiyoon Hikari  :)


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rocksolidpanda #1
Omona, congratulations to you! Hope you have a wonderful life :)
Congratulations Unnie ! :) Best Wishes !
Awww! Haha. Chuka hae on your engagement and true love. :>
fubina7 #5
Omomomomomo I know know maybe I'm a bit of a drama queen but I need to "tell" you this.

We juts got in touch on AFF and I won't never meet you in real life but..Omomomomo I'm so moved right now!

Congrats dear.......author....viphikari....ehrmmm no scratch that!
congrats Jiyoon!I wish you all the best!


Congratulations lovely lady :) Wish you all the very best on your new journey in life!