Working in an Idol Only Mall Application

AFF Username: KittyKatNinja4eva

AFF Userprofile Link:

Character Name: Arianna Park

Nickname(s): Ari

Age: 20

Personality: Ari is an innocent and cute girl that tends to blush a lot. She's shy at first but when she gets to know you better, she's more open.

Hobbies: Collecting Hello Kitty items, doing yoga and pilates, drawing, listening to music, shopping, eating and sleeping.

Appearance: Kim Shin Yeong | | | | |

Specialties: Drawing anime and animals, eating, yoga and pilates, and cleaning.

Job: Has two part-time jobs. Her morning job is janitorial detail in the cafeterias. Her afternoon job is cashier and stocker in a men's jewelry and accessory store called, "All the Little Things."

Partner: Paired with Lay because he can taint her ^.^

Extra???: Has heart tattoos on each of her wrists ( L  R  ).  Has her belly button pierced and her ears pierced twice.


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