Apply: Cupid




Username: TheBlobMaster:


My Character:

Name: Kim 'Bella' JiHye

Age: 19

Birthday: February 27, 1993


  • Cats
  • Tea
  • Disney
  • All kinds of water
  • Bright Colors
  • Food


  • Bananas
  • Coriander
  • Sappy action movies
  • Pork
  • Anything containing lactose (is intolerant)


  • Scratching her head.
  • Biting her lip
  • her lips
  • Scratching her nose
  • Pulling her hair when reading


  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • All kinds of creative work
  • Learning about history and religion

Trivia: Can make Jewlery, has a face made of gummy (do funny faces), is good at reading peoples emotions, Can Belly dance, She's more comfortable around guys than girls. She has a cat named Miyavi. Is very interested in photography, greek mythology and occult things. Believes in reincarnation.

Personality: At first she can come of as cold and reserved, but once you get to know her she is a very caring girl that can be a brute at times. She has an optimistic view on things most of the time. She has a tendency to act like a mother towrds her friends and often end up taking their sadness and problems on her shoulders. She's very honest and blunt, though she seems like she thinks things through first she has a tendency to act on impuls. She's a bit dazed and likes to drift of to her own world.

Background: She lived the normal life a college student. Busy with assignments and working in a cafe as a Barista. She was tired of life.

Ulzzang: Moko

Backup Ulzzang: Park Sora



Family: N/A 

Best Friend (s): N/A

Friend(s): N/A


My Cupid

Love interest: Kai

His personality: He's a sweet guy, that likes to play cool but often fails at it unless he's dancing. He's a bit awkward and knows it too. He's very friendly and likes to make new friends. He can seem a bit snobbish when you meet him at first, but the image is very quickly dropped as soon as he smiles. He is very serious when it comes down to business, and there nothing can stop him. Once he gets serious, he wont stop till he achieves. 

How you guys interact?: Tease each other and bicker a little bit, but stil looking after each other. 

How you meet: He fell down on me in my while I was sleeping.

Love Story: In the beginning I find him an annoyance and disturbance to my life as he constantly popped up everywhere I went. But as I began to open up to him, he brought more joy into my life and I started to enjoy it again.



Comments? Suggestions? Anything else?: Sounds like an awesome fic and I'm really looking forward to it. If I'm not busy, then I'm always in for a helping hand.


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