The thing on AFF that annoys me the most? Character Descriptions.

The thing that annoys me the most on AFF? I know I share this dislike with many other users here. The thing that annoys me the most is when an author states that their character is "unlike other girls" and then proceeds to describe their character as exactly what the other girls are like in the character description. And the character description also annoys me, that thing in the foreword most authors here on AFF use to show you what the characters are like before you start reading. If you're a good author, you wouldn't even need to have that character description in the beginning and you should be able to make a fully-rounded, unique, non mary-sue character that the readers will get to know without having to introduce them.


Let's use this as an example:

There is so much that is wrong with that example up there, such as incomplete sentences, listing, and lowercase first words. But I'll focus on what this blog is about. Okay, so what I get from this is; This girl is not like others. But then, the author goes on to list that she is funny, sarcastic, clumsy, witty, hard-working, trustworthy, responsible....which is basically what 90% of the OC girls on AFF are like. The authors who use these don't even bother to elaborate on the personality and explain how they're funny, sarcastic, clumsy, etc. I'm not bashing anyone in particular, as some of you probably know where this example came from. But I'm just trying to point out that there is an overuse of these types of girls as OCs in AFF.

Not to mention, these "character descriptions" also have useless things in it that go like: "[Insert name here] is a [senior/junior/freshman/sophmore] at [Insert name here] High School" Does it really matter that much that your character is a freshman at whatever High School? If it doesn't affect the plot, and will never be mentioned in the story, it's best not to put these things in the description. Now, if the story was about a girl turning 18 and finally being able to be free from her strict and confining parents, then the age would have an affect on the story. 

Favorite food? Favorite color? Favorite sport? These things don't exactly matter either, unless you're writing a story about a girl's obsession with food and trying to lose weight, a story centered on this one girl's favorite color, or a story about the school's volleyball team. Now, you might be going, "But! These things give the reader an idea of what the character is like!" The readers should be able to pick up what the character is like when they read the story, and you can incorporate these little details into your story, but not list them out. For example, you can say that "Kyuhyun got her a yellow bag for her birthday because it's her favorite color, full of sunshine and life~" but it's not a major point in the story. 

There are tons of other things, like the authors notes that tell you not to plagarize or else there will be "immediate action", brightly colored fonts that give people seizures, and horribly done story posters that could go on my life of things on AFF that seriously rub me the wrong way, but I think I've ranted enough for now. xD I'll save those for a later time~


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