Somebodee kill me.

Oh my freaking TaeTiSeo. I'm an express student and I CAN'T BELIVE I BLEWWWWW ALL  MY MARKS AWAY. Siiigh. Okkayokay, so.. this is my vow. I will WORK extra haaard for my end-year exams. Oh my freaking Dubu. Why maths, whyyy?! As it is obvious, I am SERIOUSLY bummed. My parents are gonna kill me and make my lazy work 24/7 and I am probably gonna end up in Normal Academic stream. Well, at the bright side of things, I'm not the last one in class (fingers and toes crossed!) and i'm not that bad..right? I mean, they clearly state that I had to score 50% above for my English, which I did so.. uh.. I guess I can thank the heavens and Arctic Foxes alike. 

Just checked my facebook and woah. At least that NM has brains yuh. Check out what she posted:

Aren't you tired sometimes? Tired of caring so much for a friend who doesn't even give a flying about you?

As much as we care for someone, we really just hope that they will reciprocate. It's just really sad how those friends who tell you "I'm just 8 numbers away" "I'll always be here." yet when you really need them, they are always no where to be found. 

They think we're expecting too much, they judge us, gossip about us, backstab us, betray our trust. And when we distant ourselves from them, they think we're over sensitive and it becomes our fault. Fake friends, we all have them.

Not bad right. Wait a sec.. I think I know her reason. People use her cuz of her beauty. Lawls. But I know how she feels, of course. I have my own backstabbers and people who start the rumor mill again and again. Naww, it's okay NM, I'm fugly and I feel you, so, you're not the only one. Cheer up, aite. (;

Hope everyone had FLYING marks on your Mid-Year! <3 (:


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