What Kat Loves!!!~~


Hi there peeps!

Who missed me? *looks around* No one? *puppy eyes*

So...the point of this blog post is to show you what I love when I'm in front of my PC and what I like to do whenever I start writing a new story. Shall we began?


1, My Notebook - contains the description of the characters and things that are important in the fic(special traits of character etc)

Now, shall we open it?

These are the notes from 'Cure For Summertime Blues'. Excuse my handwriting. I was in a hurry! *giggles*

Those are for TOP (points up)

These are for Ra Nae (points up)

And these are for the other characters in the fic!


Sorry about this one, but it has notes on my on-going fic and I don't like to be a joy-killer *giggles*

'The House Behind The Magnolias' salutes you!


And of course, there are this tiny messaged written with orange on black that make my eyes sparkle every time I see them after I log in on AFF!!!~~

Crazy, huh? *giggles*

Oh well, I was just trying to relax a little bit. I hate exams *cries cries* And I have two more to go....

Anyway! Kat should take a bath and then go to bed...after posting the chapter that she promised...



*giggles* No Gingerman is safe with Kat! MIEWWWWW!!!



Kat's Out~~


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Ah, smart and organized you. Plus you're beautiful :)
You kinda look like Katniss!! ~^-^~
I love your handwriting ;) mine is like a doctor's
i looove your handwriting! o.o
Ok I'm going to confess.. I missed You..:))...hahaha..
i also love those things that you love..:D Hi-five!..<3
PS.your handwriting is wanderful O.O
ahah I have a notebook for posters
I draw the main ideas and I take notes of textures and colours >.<
the orange text always makes everyone's heart skip a bit^^

how did your test go? didi you got a good rate in the end? ^^
LOL I love seeing those messages too. *o* Who doesn't? xD It makes me start jumping around in my chair when I see them.

I kinda wish I was a writer; it just seems so cool to have a notebook dedicated to words and omg but I just can't think of a plausible plot :c