▶ e d e n ;; application [K_I_M_C_H_I | Kim Kyung Mi 곽경미]


Eden Academy Application


Baek Su Min



▬ Contact Info
AFF Username: K_I_M_C_H_I
AFF profile link: ▶  ;;
Activeness: 10 ;; Everyday
Nickname: Seo
▬ Basic Profile
Name: Kim Kyung Mi | 곽경미
Birthdate: 03/25 ┃ 18 ; 339
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean | Fluent ; Japanese | Conversational ; Mandaarin | Conversational ; English | Moderate
Bloodtype: AB
▬ Character in Depth
Kim Kyungmi isn't your normal, eveyday aegyo cutie princess or ice queen. It's her distinct personality that separates her from the crowd of clones. She has a unique personality that attracts people to her.
 Talkative - Kyungmi is extremely talkative and will never shut up. Once she wakes up, she'll keep chatting until it's time for sleep. If you incite a conversation with her, you'll most likely end up talking for a few hours on end since she always has something to say. Her friends often have to tape shut in order to get her to stop talking.
 Perfectionist - People have often complained about how Kyungmi seems to be annoyed when every detail isn't perfect or to her liking. She's an extreme perfectionist and therefore, has the need to make sure that everythng is perfect in her work and appearance. This girl will keep working and editing, perfecting until she is satisfied. Because of this, she's also a bit OCD and cleans her room constantly, looking for trash and ordering her CDs and bookshelf every so often. 
 Determined- There is nothing in the world that will be able to stop the powerful female human force that is called Kim Kyungmi. Once she sets her mind on something, she won't let it go until she gets what she wants. She'll stop at nothing to reach her goals, even if they seem impossible to reach. She tends to get riled up for no certain reasons because of how determined she is. Kyungmi will do anything to her own benefit.
 Witty - Along with that, she has a witty sense of humor that will leave you giggling until your sides split. Kyungmi will stop at no ends just to get a couple of laughs out of people, because she enjoys being able to make people happy. Even when she's not trying to, she'll make hilarious jokes that make people laugh, even if they sometimes seem a bit stupid. Her quick wit also allows her to win many fights with her powerful words. 
 Prankster - No doubt about it, Kim Kyungmi loves to play pranks on people. If you see her sneaking around and acting suspicious, she's probably got a prank going on. She loves to see the shocked expressions on people's faces after they realize what had happened. But, because of this, Kyungmi is extremely good at pretending and lying to people, even right in their faces. 
 Caring - Though, sometimes her pranks go a little bit too far and get people upset. If this happens, her cheerful and evil personality will turn into a drop-dead serious personality. Kyungmi absolutely hates being the cause of any type of pain or hurt to a person and tries her best to cheer people up when they're in depressed moods. If she sees that something is wrong, she'll ask without hesitating and try to fix it.
 Protective - Along with being caring, Kyungmi is also extremely protective of those that she loves. If someone she is close to is hurt or injured physically or emotionally by somebody, she'll take action, no matter what the consequences. She protects those that she loves dearly and does not want to see them injured at all. If someone insults somebody that she holds dear, they better watch out..
 Hyper - Kyungmi seems to be hyper all the time and sometimes is found in her own little world, randomly dancing to the side while the others are paying attention. She often spaces out when others are talking about things that disinterest her, but if it's a topic that she takes interest in she'll never stop blabbing. Even in the early morning when everyone's drowsy and sleepy, she'll be ready to go and fully awake. 
Kim Kyungmi's background and history isn't as simple as you may think. When asked about her past and background, Kyungmi will usually give a smile and say that she was just a normal girl. This is only because she wants to hide the truth from everybody else, and only a select few she is extremely close with know her complete history.
Because her parents are a part of the "elite" and affluential in South Korea, Kyungmi and her brother Joonmyun were also expected to act like one and climb to the top in the lying, cheating way that they did. Her parents weren't just some little playing pawns like CEOs or the "regular elite". They were a part of the darker, less appealing side of Seoul that very few are aware of. While during the day Seoul gives off the feeling of a cute young child, at night, the beasts come out. These beasts are Kyungmi's parents. They dealt in drugs, gambling, weaponry, information gathering, spying, and sold es. And to top it all off, they were espers.
Her parents were not close with either of their children, because they were much too busy with their own matters. Their parents couldn't even take care of their own children and to this day, they've only had two actual dinners together as a family. Instead of looking after their children themselves, they had nannies take care of Kyungmi and Joonmyun while they were off doing whatever they were doing. Because of this experience, Kyungmi and Joonmyun both do not trust adults because they think that they will lie to them and abandon them like their parents did.
Before, Kim Kyungmi had attended Seoul's Arts School for 12 years, from pre-school to her senior year. Kyungmi didn't figure out that she was an esper until one day, during the performance of a play, a huge incident occured. She happened to be singing in the school musical when suddenly her powers started to activate and she started to glow. The next thing you knew, the stage was engulfed with flames. Luckily enough, her parents were in the audience and able to control the situation and making the people think that it was all part of the act. (Her father's ability is to make people fall into illusions and mind games)
Her older brother Joonmyun had also attended the school with her. The two got along very well and were more of close friends than siblings even though they were polar opposites - hotheaded fire and cool and collected water. He guided her and gave her many tips on how to survive in a school where people don't believe that espers exist. Although she wasn't particularily singled out and bullied, she didn't have many friends and couldn't "connect" with the other students because she knew many more things and her knowledge was so much more than the teachers could even teach. 
Now, you may think that because of her parents, Kyungmi was raised to be a tough girl who ran around being a secret agent and following the family business. But, in reality, her parents shielded her from the "dark side" until they knew she was ready for it, when she turned roughly 50 (10 human years). Once they had trained Kyungmi and her brother Joonmyun in a variety of fighting techniques, weaponry skills, and mind games, they intended to pass on the "family business". However, at the last minute they decided to send the two siblings to Eden Academy, the school that they themselves had gone to for further training on how to control their abilities and use them to the fullest when they were younger.
Fashion/Style - You've got to look great everyday, right? Kyungmi has an excellent eye for fashion and styles.
Food - This girl just absolutely loves to eat food. Her favorite is still Korean food even though she's experienced many foods during her long life and you'll always see her munching on snacks.
Heat - A bit self-explanatory. Heat makes her feel comfortable and at home.
Combat - Intense, adrenaline filled combat and fights are Kyungmi's specialty. Battle her, and you're likely to be dead or seriously injured in under five minutes.
Pranking - Kyungmi is an extreme prankster, and therefore feels the need to pull a good prank on someone every now and then. 
Smiling - She thinks that smiles make everyone look good no matter how physically deformed they are. 
Debate - This is one of her strong points, as she can beat someone in a head-to-head debate easily with her talking, deducting and information gathering skills. 
Coldness - Even before she hadn't discovered her power, she had just disliked the cold. It's a horrible feeling.
Boats - Kyungmi gets seasick extremely, extremely easily. Just a few minutes on a boatcan trigger a series of barf attacks.
Airplanes - Not only does Kyungmi get seasick easily, she also gets airsick.
Laggy Internet - Well, doesn't this annoy everyone?
Know-It-Alls - The behavior of these types of people irritate Kyungmi since she knows that nobody can actually "know everything".
Two-Faced People - The same as below. Two-faced people are extremely irritating, since they act one way when they really aren't.
Extreme Aegyo - Just plain disgusting. Sure, natural aegyo can be cute, but if you go to the extreme it's barf-inducing.
Dance - Kyungmi's been taking ballet ever since she was five years old. She has a natural talent for it.
Piano, Flute, Violin, Bass, Guitar, Drums - Not only is Kyungmi academically gifted, but she is also musically talented and plays six instruments, not including her voice.
Mixing Music - It may be somewhat of an odd hobby, but she enjoys taking different songs and mixing them together as one.
Strolling - It's very relaxing to stroll around in a park and just not care about anything.
Martial Arts - Her parents started teaching her and her best friend Tao martial arts, and they both got hooked onto it and advanced rapidly.
Accidentally interrupts people/speaks when she’s not supposed to - She's used to just speaking her mind, so she often does this but she doesn't mean to seem rude.
If she shares a bed with others, the other person will eventually be on the ground or under her limbs - It doesn't happen on purpose, she just tends to move around in her sleep.
She'll start crying when people tell horror/ghost stories even though she knows they're not true - But she still enjoys listening to them. Tao seems to have the same issue as her.
When she wants to, she can transform into her true form.
Being around people with powers of frost (Like Xiumin) makes her uncomfortable at times since their power (frost) is something she's afraid of. 
She has a tattoo of her name (경미on the side of her left torso.
Kyungmi's ideal type is someone who is loyal, trustworthy, kind, preferably taller than her, masculine, and most importantly, humorous.
▬ Its your Time
Controlling/Manipulating Fire - This power is more dangerous than you would think. Yes, she can make flames dance or make the room warmer by conjuring fire. But that's not all that she can do. With this power, Kyungmi is a dangerous opponent, as it gives her the abilities to burn, melt, trap people, and slowly kill others. This ability also makes her resistant to fire ; even if it touches her it'll only give her power. 
Teleportation - This is a very helpful power, as Kyungmi tends to arrive late to important meetings. It is also useful in combat when you want to get out of the way and surprise attack or escape to somewhere far away. (But Kyungmi would never escape from battle, anyways.)
Kyungmi's power symbol is usually her family's symbol when she is not using her powers, a phoenix with outstretched wings. Her family is known as the one that watches over all the others, so it symbolizes a powerful bird that is at the very top. When her powers are in use, however, it transforms from a phoenix into her own unique power symbol. It glows orangish-red and is a symbol of a flame. Kyungmi's power symbol is carved onto her upper right arm, just a little bit under her shoulder.
Because Kyungmi's skin is like fire, too much water can harm her when her powers are in use. Contact of water will cause her power to diminish very rapidly and she'll have to go to the ER. Also, she'll become hotheaded and throw little fits all too often. People are sometimes afraid to approach her and talk to her because she has this kind of unpredictable personality.
Kyungmi's experience with weaponry (swords, guns, knives, random pole, blunt objects, projectiles, etc.) is beyond compare, since her parents have trained her themselves from a young age. She is most skilled with guns, and can shoot a target in the most vital spots in a blink of an eye. Kyungmi is also very good at controlling her own powers and tries to expand her power each day.
Because Kyungmi is more of a dominating than recessive person, it completely pisses her off when others tell her what she should be doing. Water is her ultimate weakness, because she can die if she stays in water for too long while using her powers. Another weakness that Kyungmi has is her own personality. Her rashness and one-track-mind may be helpful at times, but most of the times it is not and she'll get into many brawls because of it. 
Accessories: Kyungmi wears an ouroboros ring that allows her to strengthen her power while in battle. It absorbs the heat energy in the air and brings it into Kyungmi. The ring also symbolizes the concept of eternity and the eternal return, and represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth, leading to immortality, as in the phoenix, her family's symbol. The downside is, however, the ring's power can only be used once every five hours for a short period of thirty minutes. Because the ring is sharp, it can also be used as a blade in battle.
▬ Love in the Air
Your Partner: Baekhyun, JR, Chen
His/Her Personality:
Baekhyun is talkative, fun to be around, and a bit random. One minute he'll be staring into space, and the next he'll be doing something weird like dancing by himself off to the side. But, this is also what makes him so attractive and just plain fantastic. Baekhyun is also extremely social and has no problem talking to anyone at all. Everyday, he is bright, energetic, and upbeat, no matter how bad his current situation or feelings might be. Baekhyun is very, very good at concealing his emotions. He's also a bit similar to Kyungmi, as he's very overprotective and caring of those he loves and feels close to. Not to mention, he's very devious and sneaky.
How did you meet:
Kyungmi met Baekhyun at her arts school in Seoul, but didn't talk to him that much even though they were neighbours and their parents were friends. Everyone absolutely loved the "Charming Prince Baekhyun" because he was popular, funny, handsome, wealthy, and his parents were well known socialites. Kyungmi, however, knew his deep, dark little secret. His parents abused him. Daily. They would beat him, punch him, push, shove, hit, kick, slap, pull his hair, choke him, and even once they went to the point of whipping him. Baekhyun was an esper, but he could not use his power on them or else they'd probably hurt him even more.
They weren't aware that Kyungmi's room had a window facing in the direction of Baekhyun's room's window. Even when his curtains were down, the shape of human figures cruelly beating their own child could clearly be seen from Kyungmi's room. One day, unable to take it anymore, Kyungmi called the cops on Baekhyun's parents and they were sentenced to jail for child abuse and illegal human and drug trafficking. Baekhyun had no guardians, so he moved into Kyungmi's house and stayed there until he could afford his own house. During this time they bonded over many things and helped each other with schoolwork. Baekhyun has also applied for Eden Academy.
Your relationship:
Baekhyun and Kyungmi were good friends before they started dating, so they're very comfortable around each other. Usually, the first thing they do when they see each other is run and twirl around in a hug. The two are really close and no longer awkward with each other like when they first met. Kyungmi likes to wear Baekhyun's clothing, because it smells like him and will remind her of him even when they're apart. 
His/Her Powers: ☼ Light 
His/Her Symbol: Symbol.
▬ Relationship Status
Kim Tae Jun | 53 ; 1349 | Father | Illusions, Mind Games | Kim Tae Jun is a cold, calculating man. His IQ is far above the average and his specialty is messing around with other people's minds. This makes him powerful and feared in the business world. Although he shows this side to the public and strangers, to his family he is a kind-hearted and mellow father and husband. Kyungmi and Joonmyun are not very close to him since he does not like to reveal his true feelings. Tae Jun truly does care and he does what is best for them, although he does not show it openly.
Park Su Kyung | 51 ; 1347 | Mother | Invisibility | Park Su Kyung's power of invisibility suggests that she likes to hide in the background, blend in and not be seen by others as anything special. Well, this is completely untrue. She absolutely loves attention and will do anything for it. Many times, she has been scolded for chasing after things that she wants for herself instead of thinking about others. This is her major flaw and it has also affected her parenting ; none of her children are very close to her because she simply does not care that much about what they do. 
Suho/Kim Joon Myun | 20 ; 340 | Brother | Water | Suho is the most level-headed, calm and collected person that you will most likely ever meet in your whole entire life. Even when others are screaming their heads off and freaking out, Suho will be sitting and relaxing. He carries the feel of water within him and adapts to many different situations and changes very well. He is more of a best friend than a brother to Kyungmi, and they support each other since they are not very close to their own parents. 
Kris/Wu Yi Fan | 21 | Good Friends/Classmate | Flight | Kris and Kyungmi started off as family friends at a very young age. Their parents are close buddies and business partners, so they would often have dinners together. Kris, in a nutshell, is a bit wacky and unique. He's Kyungmi's prank partner-in-crime. As children, the two would run around wildly trying to scare off the friends of their parents from their homes during parties or meetings. Kris is also extremely good at sports and intelligent. Kyungmi tends to go to him for help on schoolwork since those are her weak points.
Amber Liu | 20 | Good Friends/Classmate | These two are good friends and met at a fashion convention and bonded over their love of style and food. Now, they're as close as sisters and know everything about each other. Amber is very laid back and she is a cool and collected girl, often shy and awkward when forced into situations that put her out of her comfort zone. She's the calmest person you'll ever be likely to meet and can stay collected even if disasters are occuring around her. Confident and cool, she ignores all the rumors surrounding her and doesn't let anything hurt her. However, if she's put into an awkward situation, she'll become quiet and fidget around uncomfortably.
Best Friends:
Tao/Huang Zi Tao | 18 | Best Friend/Classmate | Time Control | He was actually the first person to talk to Kyungmi when she was in preschool. So, technically, Tao is her very first and best friend. They did everything together in school, even as they grew up to be older. Kyungmi is always there to comfort him when he's crying and vice versa..which is often. Tao is one of the few that knows the secret about Kyungmi's family and Kyungmi's parents are the ones who taught Tao his martial arts. They are close and like to get together and eat at their favorite Cafe or have a fun little spar every now and then to sharpen their skills. Tao is also teaching her Mandarin, which is improving rapidly due to both of their efforts. He's also constantly annoying her and begging to watch Kung Fu Panda (his favorite movie of all time) with him even though he's made her watch it at least 20 times already.
Bae Su Ji/ Suzy | 17 | These two are rivals, and it is definitely not a friendly competition..it's more of a murderous rivalry. Kyungmi's skills are certaintly more polished than Suzy's, but Suzy often pretends that Kyungmi is bullying her and then cries. Afterwards, Suzy lies to an adult and the adult believes her. Many times because of this, Kyungmi has received detention and has even been threatened to be expelled. Suzy has also ridiculed Kyungmi's family by saying that they had only gotten to the top by the black market. Not to mention, the Bae family is also the rival of the Kim family. | Power of Persuasion | To the public and to adults, Bae Suzy constantly shows her cute, bright, lively, fun and bubbly side. However, only a few people know that in reality she only appears like a cute girl and is actually quite a bossy, controlling, jealous girl. She only cares about her own feelings and what disgusts Kyungmi is that Suzy uses her power of persuasion to get around, trick people and do whatever she wants. 
▬ Goodbye Baby
Request: Could I pretty please request a scene that depicts how Suzy and Kyungmi are really actually rivals, not just because of jealousy and all that? Or maybe a fluffy scene between Baekhyun and Kyungmi? :3
Password: ▶ 
Extra: Wow, fantastic baby! I'm really weird in real life too. Talk to me whenever. xD 


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