Apply: Big Brother


Application Form


Contact Info;

Username: TheBlobMaster

Profile Link:


Character Information; 

Name: Kim JiSoo

Nicknames: Zeus (Close friends)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 27.02.1993

Place of Birth: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 182

Weight: 65

Blood Type: O

Languages Spoken: Korean, English both fluent


Characteristics Info;

Personality:  At first he can come of as cold and reserved, but once you get to know him he is a very caring guy that can be a brute at times. He has an optimistic view on things most of the time. He has a tendency to act like a mother towards his friends and often end up taking their sadness and problems on his shoulders. He's very honest and blunt, though he seems like he thinks things through first he has a tendency to act on impuls. He's a bit dazed and likes to drift of to his own world.

Likes: Cats, All kinds of water, Bright colors, Tea, Disney, food 

Dislikes: Sappy action movies, Pork, bananas, coriander, people lying to her  

Hobbies: Cooking, dancing, all kinds of creative work, learning about history and religion, reading, Writing  

Habits: Scratching his head, popping his knockles, his lips, scratching his nose, biting his lips 

Talents: Can make Jewlery, has a face made of gummy (do funny faces), is good at reading peoples emotions, Belly dance, Play the guitar

Trivia: He's more comfortable around guys than girls. He has a cat named Miyavi,. He loves reading fanfiction as he thinks he gets to know how the fans think of their idols. Is very interested in photography, greek mythology and occult things. Believes in reincarnation.

Persona: Seoul's dazed belly dancer




Ulzzang name: Yu HaMin

Ulzzang Links:,,

Back-Up Ulzzang name: Park HyungSeok

Back-Up Ulzzang Links:,




Family Members:
Kim MyungSoo | Brother | 20 |College student, studying photography | More reserved than his younger brother, but loves to joke around with his close friends. He's an observer.

Family Background: Lives alone after his parents took of on a world trip. Is very close with his brother. 


Friendship & Love;

Jung DaeHyun | 18 | What the one who put him in as family wrote | B.A.P | around friends he plays it cool and is mischievious. He's somehow always using up their money on food. 
Lee ByungHun | 18 | Idol Singer (or Studying music) | Teen Top | He's the moodmaker in the group of friends. Although he seems shy at first he can be quite brutal when you get close. He's a bit 4D.

Best Friends: 
Kwon JiYong | 24 | Studying music while being a DJ at night | Big Bang | The big brother type. He loves music with a passion. He's very friendly and likes to meet new people and party.
Choi JunHong | 16 | Just entered High School | B.A.P | His bubbly and a bit socially awkward. He looks up to his hyungs and cares a lot about their opinion. Dreams of becoming a famous rapper.

Ideal Type: He doesn't really have a ideal type, but he likes tall people. 



How you became rivals:

Do you want a rival from the house?: No

If yes, then why?:


More Info;

Want anything to tell me? Ask me? Suggestions?: Just hope to have fun reading this ~



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