Lovey Dovey SM Coed Group


**Basic Info**

Name: Ariana Lunde

Gender: Female


DOB: 05/22/95

Age: Korean - 17, International - 16

Nicknames: Ariana, Lil Ri, Baby face.

Likes: stars, bubbletea, sweets, food, amusement park, arcade, fun people, 

Dislikes: clowns, bugs, snakes, crying people, pain, needles


Habits:  Fidget a lot when nervous, rolling her eyes when someone said something she dislike, sing in shower, sleep-talking at times, blushing very hard when she see the guy she like.


Can write with both hands | Can play the guitar and piano | Her blood type is O | Her favourite colour is purple | Has a ulzzang sibling | Can speak Korean, English and Japanese fluently | Has a very flexible body | Lived in California for 7 years | Has a collection of all of SNSD, SHINee, B2ST, Super Junior and DBSK's album | Can play piano and violin | Likes to play with her sister.


Personality: Ariana is really smart, she’s fast learner and diligent, she also likes to keep her surrounding clean and neat. She is really pure and innocent. People say she is like untouched, white paper. However she might be immature for some things like when it comes to her food, and sleep. She hates when people snatch away her food, or disturbing her sleep. But other than those things, she’s very mature, friendly and fun to be with. She's a little too selfish sometimes and very childish most of the time, but can be serious if she has to. She’s down to earth. She's very nice and polite to everyone she meets. She always has a smile on her face making others happy just looking at her. She’s amazing when it comes to work, she becomes shy in front of any guys she’s interested in and her mind goes blank all of a sudden. She can do nothing right and absolutely clueless when it comes to love. Ariana is very friendly and likes making friends, that’s why many people like her and want to be Ariana's friend. Ariana is also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to her and she won’t spill.

Sometimes she holds grudges on people, but she easily forgives them after.  She loves seeing her her sister laugh and smile. She gets along easily with others. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings, yet even show how she feels other than happy.  She doesn't like to show or tell anyone her feelings because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. She keeps everything that does not consist of happiness bottled up inside of her. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she always has a smile on her face, so people think she's always happy. She can see through most people and read them, just with a little conversation. She's a perfectionist and will keep working at it until she gets it perfect.  She`s good at giving advice, but tend not to take her own advice. Crying is her major weakness. She hates crying period, because it just too hard for her to hold back her tears when she is sad. Most people realise that when she talks to or with her sister her day gets better.



Ulzzang or Actor/Actress name: Song Ah Ri

Actress/Actor or Ulzzang used: 

**Background and Personal Info**


Kim Ah Song || Mother || 39 || Alive || Nurse || She is very supportive of her daughter and loves her alot. She and Ariana don't talk alot, but when they do they will talk for hours.

Ryan Lunde || Father || 40 || Alive || English Teacher || He was less supportive of his daughter but only because he cares. He reminds Ariana everyday about how much he loves her and how proud he is.

Lauren Lunde || Sister || 4 || Alive || Model || Lauren and Ariana are like best friends. Lauren is like Ariana's shadow and follows her everywhere. She visits Ariana everyday.

Background: Since Ariana had to help her mother around the house when she was at work, she would be used to cleaning and working till she passed out. She lived in California for eleven years and worked as a in the model club at her school then in Busan for the rest. She would get picked on when she moved to Korea because she couldn't speak the language and would often end up screaming in frustration and anger at them. she had little friends in South Korea because of it and pushed herself to learn the language. She loved K-pop even before she moved to Korea because it was popular in California and enjoyed listening to it more when she moved. Her calssmates were always talking about a local SM scout coming to their middle school when she was 13. After a week of thinking, she tried out for SM and! got accpeted as a trainee as 5 out of about 150 girls trying out in her school. Before she started training, she got bullied one day about SM picking her up for sympathy by a group of girls. She never lets that get to her but sometimes she still flails out from judgment.


Amy Lee || Best Friend || 22 || Alive || Singer || Amy Lee, better known as Ailee is the supportive best friend and mentor. She loves Ariana like a sister and teaches her everything she knows. The girls will talk until early in the morning.

**Idol info**

Stage Name: Ariana 

Persona: Angel Voice Baby


Position: Main Vocalist/Sub rapper

Strengths: Singing | Acting | Dancing

Weaknesses: Drawing | Cooking

Trainee Life: 3 years

**Love Life**

Love Interest: Kai (EXO-K) Seungri (BIGBANG) Bang Yong Guk (B.A.P)

His Personality: Kai is a flirt who likes to tease Ariana. He is very caring and he likes to see Ariana smile. He will do anything to make her laugh.

Rival: Krystal Jung || 17 || F(X) || Her members like Ariana alot and she doesn't like that, also she loves Kai and wants him all to herself. ||


**Anything else?**

Other info:


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