Mother's Day Gift Ideas


Mother's Day Gift Ideas???????

If I have never said thank you for bringing me into the world I'd like to do that now.
If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother's Day every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you! You're the best! Thanks for all you do.
No way I'd miss this - Happy Mother's Day.
Hope your day is sunshine and flowers with happy thoughts to fill the house. 
Mom, you're the best. Happy Mother's Day.
Thank you for always being there, Mom. Happy Mother's Day.
There's never been a minute I wasn't glad you were my Mom.

"M" is for the million things she gave me, 
"O" means only that she's growing old, 
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me, 
"H" is for her heart of purest gold, 
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, 
"R" means right, and right she'll always be. 

Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me, 
Thank you, Mother dear. 

You've seen me laugh
You've seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
But thanks and I love you
Happy Mother's Day. 


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D-don't make me cry...
did you make the poem?!
ooooh mmmy gosh love the poems and... EVERYTHING! it's soo touching and i'm sure ur mum will be proud(or what i said could be a total understatement X) )