What's In the Works: May 11th

Complete Me

A Reader (You)-x-Yoseob fic I started a few months ago.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon and get it posted. As of right now, It's about halfway done.

Here's an excerpt because I'm so nice:

It's hard for you to see through your tears, but you manage to slide your phone open and compose a message. Once it's sent, you in a shuddering breath and thumb away the wetness gathered in your lashes. For an instant you imagine that the hands on your face are his. His visage, pure and concerned and a little flustered fills your mind. The notion brings a smile to your lips.         

Miles away in Seoul, amongst the hustle and bustle of the activity backstage, Yoseob pauses to regard the phone vibrating in his pocket. A small icon flashes in the upper corner of the screen; a new message awaits him in his inbox.



A short Reader-x-Jaehyo piece I have yet to sit my down to pen. I will, though. I'll write it soon!



No, it's not called Untitled. I seriously don't know what to call it yet. I'm hoping I can come up with a good title by the time I'm done writing it. As of now, the fic is something like 1/4 completed. The pairing is Reader-x-Himchan. I would give you an excerpt, but this early on in my work nothing remains solid. LOL. What little I have may change as I contining writing it.


Untitled II

Yet another untitled fic. Sue me. This one is Reader-x-Zico and I have NONE of it written at this time. I should really get to work, huh?

Maybe later. LOL.


Wake Me Up

Another Reader-x-Zico piece based on the track from his mixtape of the same title. It's still in development so I have no additional information yet.


So everyone that's it! Keep an eye out for those fics--I hope to get atleast two of them out before the week is out.

I hope.


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