In Need of Some Help.

Okay, so I got my tickets for SMtown and I'm super stoked because this is my first time going and I'm going with my older sister. ^^ (we both have an obsession with kpop.)

Anyway, I'm really conflicted about the whole camera situation... I have a canon EOS with a 18-55 lens and I was debating weather to try and sneak it in or not. hah I mean its kinda bulky, but I don't have any other camera :( Should I try to sneak it in?


GAHHH I need help. 


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thanks for all of your advice (: And I agree with you babymung. I'm a little sketch bringing that huge camera of mine. lol I'll probably just end up bringing a small camera and hide it some where security won't find it haha. :p It's in Anaheim California on the 20th of May ^^
You're not allowed to bring cameras to SMTown?! What is this nonsense?! Lol but if you can't bring cameras to the concert, then I suggest you don't bring your camera. I know what it's like to have a huge camera. I have the Nikon L120 and it's sometimes hard for me to take it places. I can't sneak it to school like a digital camera. So I suggest you just use your camera on your phone. It's a lot easier to sneak in (if you can't bring cameras) and it's lightweight (= Plus, if you do get caught with that big camera, they might even kick you out and you don't want that. Lol this is the SMTown concert, yo! Lols don't wanna risk it. So.. A camera phone would be better, I think. When and where is the concert?
JenieceVu1007 #3
Yah do what she said
Well Just Sneak it In And If You Get Caught Just Say "Oh i Didn't Know I'll Turn it Off" Lol You Should Take Risk Is Nothings Going To Happen Right? :DD Well LUCKKYYYY YOUUUU >:L