Why I haven't been updating....

there's really only ONE reason....

I'm busy. 

REALLY busy, too busy to sit down and think about all the fics and things that I need to write and then actually take the time out to write it all down. I'm simply wayyyyyy to busy because work is stupid, plus my mom's been away for almost a week now so I'm stuck doing ALL of the housework instead of just half of it (and I've got to tell you, my dad and brother are SLOBS, it's a full time job cleaning up after them) and so basically....I'm just busy

mianhae, I haven't forgotten about my readers though


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Aww i hope you can write again! Best if luck to you :):)
Please come back soon! I miss u
u_u i rilly mish your fics....
make your mom come back home sooner...keke
then you'll have most of the time for yourself, and your readers like meeee!!!