Tinkerbells Application


Contact Information <3

AFF Name : KittyKatNinja4eva
AFF Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/59211

Character Abouts... ^.^

Character's FULL Name : Yun Lee (English Name: Melody Lee)
Nickname(s ): Mel
Birthday : 21/03/1992
Age : 20
Blood Type : B-
Birth Place : Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hometown : Seoul, South Korean
Ethnicity : Half Korean and Half Canadian
Language : Fluent in English and Korean. Basics in Japanese.

Appearance of Character... >.^

Height : 163 CM
Weight : 54 KG
Ulzzang's Name : Do Hwe Ji
Links... :    |    |    |    |    |   
Back-up Ulzzang's Name : Song Ah Ri
Links... :    |    |   

Personal Questions... :*D

Family Members :

Father | Chul Lee | 47 | Principal

Mother | Helen Lee | 45 | English Teacher

Older Sister | Cassie Lee | 23 | Hair Stylish

Younger Brother | Seung Lee | 16 | Trainee

Cousin | Taemin Lee | 18 | Main dancer and Vocalist of SHINee


Family Background : Her mother is from Canada and her father was attending the same University as her mother in Edmonton, Canada. They met and everything fell into place. Her mother moved to Seoul with her father after they graduated. Her older sister is a spoiled brat that needs to be the center of attention. Her sister auditioned but didn't get in and now she's angry that both Mel and Seung became trainees. Seung looks up to Mel a lot and loves her dearly. He acts like the older sibling sometimes and is really protective over Mel. Taemin is also protective over Mel and they act like siblings instead of cousins. Mel became a trainee at the age of 15.

Personality : Melody is bold, lively and full of spirit. She does lack respect towards authority. She has a tendency of speaking before thinking. She tells it as it is even if it's rude or brutally honest. She tends to nag a lot and giggle when she's over-tired. She's also an open-minded and thoughtful person. She's very devoted and motivated towards her career and also cooperative to work with. She's also really affectionate and motherly towards her friends, family and teammates. She known to be quite random at times.

Likes : 1. Strawberries | 2. Sweets (Chocolate and Ice Cream) | 3. Dancing | 4. Singing/Rapping | 5. Writing lyrics/poetry | 6. Anime/Manga | 7. Drawing | 8. Animals and Nature | 9. Hello Kitty | 10. Pokemon | 11. Fashion and Shopping | 12. Lip Gloss

Dislikes : 1. Pineapples | 2. Spinach | 3. Waking up too early | 4. Rude People | 5. Criminals | 6. Cockroaches | 7. Getting yelled at because it scares her and makes her tear up | 8. Too much pink | 9. Creepily Dolls and Puppets | 10. Clowns (Creeps her out)

Hobbies : 1. Collecting Hello Kitty and Pokemon items | 2. Playing Pokemon games on her DS Lite | 3. Yoga and Pilates | 4. Shopping | 5. Reading Manga and Watching Anime | 6. Singing/Rapping | 7. Dancing | 8. Playing Piano | 9. Drawing

Talents : 1. Dancing | 2. Singing/Rapping | 3. Playing Piano | 4. Drawing | 5. Yoga and Pilates

Trivia / Habits : 1. Talks to herself a lot | 2. Bursts into song randomly | 3. Spaces out here and there | 4. Bites lower lip when nervous | 5. Plays with hair when bored | 6. Does yoga and pilates in the morning | 7. Has heart tattoos on both wrists L  R | 8. Collects Hello Kitty and Pokemon items | 9. Belly Button pierced and ears pierced twice | 10. Plays Piano | 11. Favorite colours are blue, purple, green and silver

More about Friends/Rivals XD

Childhood Friends : Kate Pillay (OC) | 20 | College Student | She currently studying forensic science. They hang out a lot.

Amy Kim (OC) | 21 | College Student | She's Kate's roommate and is also studying forensic science. She too hangs out with Mel and Kate.

Best Friends/Friends :  Best Friend | Junsu | 25 | Main Vocalist and Main Dancer of JYJ

Friend | Youngmin | 17 | Lead Dancer, Vocalist and Visual of Boyfriend

Friend | Kwangmin | 17 | Main Rapper and Visual of Boyfriend

Friend | Onew | 22 | Leader and Lead Vocalist of SHINee

Rivals : Mi-Young Park (OC) | 20 | Trainee
Why became rivals? :  They first met during auditions and right off the bat they didn't get along. Mi-young started insulting Mel about her clothes, make-up, hair and basically anything to make her uncomfortable for her audition. And now that Mel is about to debut in a group, Mi-young hates her more because she's still just a trainee.

Love Interest... HeeHee, don't be shy!

Love Interest : Key | 20 | Lead dancer, Lead rapper and vocalist of SHINee
How you met : She was doing her daily pilates routine in a dance studio when SHINee walked in thinking the room was empty. Mel was so focused on her Cardio Pilates Exercises that she didn't even notice them. Key was the one that walked up to her and gained her attention. He asked what she was doing and she told them. So they decided to do the routine with her for their warm-up. SHINee had some difficulty with some the poses but it was fun anyways. After that Mel cleaned up after herself so the guys could practice their dance routine. Mel turned to leave but not before hugging her cousin Taemin and playfully pushing Onew.

Back-up Love interest :  Chanyeol | 20 | Main Rapper of EXO-K
How you met : Mel was tired after a day of training and fell asleep on a couch in a random room but what she didn't know is that was EXO-K's lounge room where they rested after practice and tried on outfits and such. She was passed out in a curled up position using her jacket as a blanket. The group entered, a bit loudly but that didn't wake Mel, and Chanyeol was the first to notice Mel. The group was very confused as to what a girl was doing passed out on their couch. Chanyeol was the one that was chosen one to wake her up. When she opened her eyes she saw his face right up close to hers. She was a bit confused at first and the guys thought it was funny and cute. She apologized and left the room to go home, seeing as it was very late. But her iPhone had fallen out of her jacket pocket and onto the couch without anyone noticing until it was too late. Chanyeol finally noticed it after accidently sitting on it. He pulled it out and showed it to the rest of EXO-K. They decided to keep an eye out for the mystery girl the next so they could return her phone. The next day her iPhone rang and Chanyeol answered it. It was Mel using Taemin's cell. Roughly 15 minutes later they met up at EXO-K's lounge room and Mel had brought Taemin. She explained as she was so tired she didn't realize that she had wondered into their room. But what she also failed to notice was the new contact in her phone...

Trainee.. (HARD LIFE!) :X

How did you get in : Casted | Auditioned | Scouted
Training Years : 3 Yrs | 4 Yrs | 5 Yrs | 6 Yrs
Trainee Life : For the first year in training, she was pushed to the back and left in the shadows of Mi-young. But when her talent became apparent, people recognized and befriended her more.

Experiences??? %.%

Pre-Debut Shows/MVs? : N/A
Singing Links : Glad you Came | Hit the Lights | Skyscraper | Mean | Part of Me | Stereo Hearts 
Dancing Links :
I Don't Trust Myself | Like a G6 | Shakin' it for Daddy | Uhh Ahh | NO NO NO | Speakers going Hammer
Rapping Links :
Heartbreaker  | Super Bass

Debut Matters ^^/

Debut Name : Mel
Persona : Song Bird
Position(s) : Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Fanclub Name : Star Gazers
Fanclub Colour : #00ccff and silver

Password Please... :(

Password : SHINee: Sherlock


Comments : "Money, Love, Fashion, Fame and all that's in between." I was listening to Neverland by U-Kiss....


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