Super Junior M

Yesterday, my cousin and i went to their concert. It was funny. I don't know how we got chose to teach them Bahasa. Maybe my brother's friend recommend us to them. HAHA. He even said I'm good at controlling my fan-girl side because of my emotionless face. DAMN HIM! he talked about me like that to SUJU-M's manager. i wish i can take their pictures but thanks to my brother! He  did not allowed us to bring our camera and he said " no more camera for both of you! or no concert if you bring your camera!" To be a good sister, I followed his instruction. So, we went to the backstage after we had prayer. *yea We are Muslims*. We taught them the words and i have to answer them. They're sure showed us a lot of interest. the words that we had taught them:

Kami = We

Suka = like

Makan = Eat

Seronok = Fun


My cousin and I taught them but mostly my cousin did it. When they asked me some question, I answered it and nodded my head. i hate myself for being hypocrite. LOL! maybe i'm not used to talk to boys. *yea right. Suddenly, my cousin taught them " Tak Payah (no need)" and do you guys know that Kyuhyun can't said it? he keep saying "takayah" etc etc. I looked at him and laughed with my brother's friend. He looked at me. and said "apa ?(what ?)" while smirking at me.  I just gave my poker face. For your information, I'm talking to Henry and Zhoumi more.  Kyuhyun said that i like Henry. Geez, he didn't knew that he's my biased. I nodded  and made a fake smile. " Henry-sshi, now you're officially my bias " I said and we high-five. We taught them Bahasa for one hour  and I end up laughing hard  at their Bahasa. Now, Malaysians knew why Kyuhyun said "tatayah" last night. It was because of my cousin. She asked him " which one you love the most? games or fans?'" He wants to say "tak payah tanya ( no need to ask)" but he end up "tatayah". HAHAHA.  It was fun though.


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So lucky to be meeting SJM <3