Tinkerbells application



Contact Information <3

AFF Name : Harasofea
AFF Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/105093

Character Abouts... ^.^

Character's FULL Name : Kim Eun Jung
Nicknames : Kimju, Jungie.
Birthday : 2nd January 1995
Age : 17
Blood Type : A
Birth Place :Seoul, South Korea.
Hometown : Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity : Full Korean
Langauge : Korean(fluent of course), English(fluent), Japanese(conversational)

Appearance of Character... >.^

Height : 169cm
Weight : 45kg
Ulzzang's Name : Lee Jung Ha
Links... : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
Back-up Ulzzang's Name : Kim Na Young
Links... : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Personal Questions... :*D

Family Members : Father-Kim Jung Suk-53-Restaurant owner. Mother-Jang Ha Yi-52-Housewife.Eldest Brother-Kim Young Joon-27-Military.Kim Hyung Joong-25-Idol of SS501.

Family Background : When Eun Jung was born the doctor said that she wouldn't live for a year due to her weak heart. But when she turned 5, the doctor was wrong. Eun Jung grew up healthy, and to keep her like that, her mom put her in dancing and singing classes when she was 7. At age of 10, her brother made his debu as an idol. Since then Eun Jung became interested to become one too and always look up to her brother. When she turned 14, she audition for YG but got turnd down many times and  when she decides to audition for SM and got in after two tries.
Personality : Unlike her brother, she is very hard headed and she sometimes over confidence. She lacks fear and embarassment, she does what she wants and doesn't think of what people will say.Though she will be abit awkward around people she barely know, she is also awkward with her oldest brother. She is very clumsy and yet covers it up in a funny way. She likes to make people laugh and has abit of a 4D personality that people thinks the only thing shes inherit from her brother.
Likes : Manga || Fashion || Orange Juice || Cakes || Food ||Animals
Dislikes : 
Tomatoes || Veggies || Bugs || Liars || Storms || Drakness
Hobbies : Cook || Eat || Sleep || Tweet || Swimming

Talents : Cook || Piano || Guitar || Raps
Trivia / Habit : 
She thinks she is not like her brother and thinks she is better. || She sleeps with her puppy, but when the puppy is not in her room she'll sleep with her teddy. || She still sneaks to her brother's room to sleep whenever there's a thunderstorm. ||  She is very dependent towards Hyun Joong, but when he's not there she'll become very independent. || Her puppy is a golden retriever named Kim Ji, but her brother mistaken it for KimChi.

More about Friends/Rivals XD

Childhood Friends : Yoon Na Young-17-Student.
Best Friends/Friends : Oh Hye Mi-17-Student/SM Trainee, Min Seo Ra-17-Trainee/Net idol(OC)
Rivals : Hwang Tia-16-Idol-ChoColat.
Why became rivals? : Tia shows everyone that she is cute and very kind, but she is very arrogant and thinks of Eun Jung as Rival. Also did Eun Jung since she has talents in everything(sing/dance/act/model).

Love Interest... HeeHee, don't be shy!

Love Interest : Daehyun-18-Idol-B.A.P
How you met : At her parents restaurant where he came as a costumer when he was a trainee and met Eun Jung when she was working as a waitress.
Back-up Love interest : Zelo-16-Idol-B.A.P

How you met :Same as a Daehyun.

Trainee.. (HARD LIFE!) :X

How did you get in : Casted | Auditioned | Scouted.
Training Years : 3 Yrs | 4 Yrs | 5 Yrs | 6 Yrs [Underline one only!]
Trainee Life : It was really hard for her, many people were against her due to jealousy and made only two friends. Everyone, including trainers were jealous of her and whenever she make a mistake they always says this "are you sure you're Hyun Joong-sunbae's younger sister?" or "i think you're adopted and thats why you'll never be like your brother", it hurt her alot, but she never blames anyone but herself.She pulled it through and thinking she wants to perform with her brother one day.

Experiences??? %.%

Pre-Debut Shows/MVs? : Shinee's Julliete MV, Host for childrens show.
Singing Links : 1 || 2
Dancing Links : 
1 || 2
Rapping Links : 
1 || 2

Debut Matters ^^/

Debut Name : Aria (means Lioness)
Persona : 4D Rapper
Position: Lead Rapper/Dancer
Fanclub Name : Meloria( Aria's Melody)
Fanclub Colour : 
White & Blue

Password Please... :(

Password : U-Kiss - DoraDora


Comments : Fighting!


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