background info -> cutterpillow || survey from thenameiloved08

Since I dont post my information on my AFF profile, I'll just answer this survey. KEKE




Name: Nika (Cho)


How old are you?: 19


What’s your favorite kpop group?: SHINee


Do you have any pets?: None.


What would you like to study in college? If you’re in college what are you studying?: I'm currently at my last year at our university. I'm taking up Information Technology. 


Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color? Yep. Red brown something.


Do you play any instruments? Piano.


What’s your favorite movie? Harry Potter 5 and 7 part 2. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. 500 days of Summer. 


What’s your favorite season? and why? PH has only 2 season. Dry (summer) and wet (rainy season), definitely I prefer the latter.


If you could meet anyone you want in the world right now, who would it be? Harry Potter cast. :)


Tell me an interesting fact about you: My English is . HAHA. XD (just like what _niXIAH said)


Your favourite kpop band(s)?: SHINee, Miss A


Favourite solo artists?:  none at the moment.


What's your favourite song at the moment?: Blame it on the rain by he is we


What would you do if you met your favourite kpop band?: Take pictures. Spazz. Faints. LOL. HAHA XD Kidding. I'd be cheering them from afar. :) Fighting!


What country would you like to visit?: UK. AUS. SG. 


What's your favourite non-kpop band?: Eraserheads (yeah. I'd definitely get my username from one of their albums. THAT IS DEFINITELY A FACT)  Sugarfree, PNE (OPM bands)


Who's your favourite non-kpop singer?: Hmm. None?


Are you ticklish? If so, where?: My nape. So don't you dare to touch me there, if you dont want to hear me scream for my life. LOL. HAHA


What is your nationality?: Filipino. ^^


Plans for summer?: Summer's already out. Less than a month... and what I'm doing? I'm attending my summer clasees. >_>


If you could do whatever you want, what would you do?: write write write :) and read. keke. =P


Do you play video games? If so, what's your favourite?: I don't. 


What's your favourite jewlery?: Rings. :)


Favourite food?: Chinese foods. :) Wanton noodles. 


What does your day mostly consist of?: Going to school. Listening to my professor. etc.


Favourite book?: Harry Potter and the: Prizoner of Azkaban (3),  Goblet of Fire (4), and the Half-Blood Prince (6)


Favourite animal?: None.


Favourite genre of music?: Anything that sounds good to my ears.


Chick flick or Action movie?: Both!


Favourite country, other than your own or one you were born in?: SG


Day time or Night time?: Night time, my brain works during night. :)


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eh nika unnie, I want to post it too, it is ok? ^^
whoooooaaa I should call you unnie then, I'm 18th this year keke ^^
and you same with me nika unnie, my brains will works better in night LOL. XD
ilove_minho123 #3
Hehe nice info. Umm How long are your classes in university? I haven't started yet and im curious. :D
Hehe I'm from Singapore ^^
SUGARFREE!!!! Haven't listened to them for a pretty long time now...I should check them out again. :D
Btw, which country do you mean with AU ate? Is it by chance Austria? XD
aiCa02 #6
but you sleep early...hohoho
whoaa.. i feel like we should be friends.. (lol, whut? xD)
nice info. :)