"Snoui: SM New Girl Group" Application


Your Contact Info:
Username: Gingi_306
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/9280

Your character:
Full Name: Kwon JiEun
Nickname: JiJi, Eun
Age : 20
Birthdate : 12/15/1991
Place of Birth: Seoul, S. Korea
Hometown: Seoul, S. Korea
Blood Type: AB
Ethnicity : 100% Korean
Languages : Korean - Fluent | Japanese - Conversational
Height: 169cm
Weight: 47kg

Personality: When it comes to people she really doesn’t know very well, JiEun can be a very cold person. She tends to be very quiet and is usually just the by stander. She doesn’t like approaching people or becoming close to them because she is always scared of letting them down. However, whenever she sees some struggling with something or whenever somebody needs help with something, she never thinks twice about walking up to them and try to help them out with anything. Around people she is close to, JiEun is a very calm, kind and caring person. When her sister once broke her foot a few years back, JiEun was like a second mother to her, and was always looking out for her sister. She helped her walk up and down the stairs and also helped her get from one place to another.

Even though JiEun is a calm person, she gets really frustrated whenever she can’t perfect anything. Which is why JiEun doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty every once in awhile. She is always willing to do anything to achieve her goals.

JiEun isn't afraid of getting into new things, especially sports. She especially loves sports that include a lot of running; her favorite sports include: basketball, soccer, and baseball. She even joined a few sports teams in her school. She has tried getting into singing with the support of her father. Among all things that she got herself into, rapping has to be her absolute favorite. She first got into rapping when she heard her brother rapping and since she saw him a her role model, she decided to give rapping a try

  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Rapping
  • RedBull
  • Listening to music
  • Horror films
  • Dogs
  • Squares
  • Cartoons (Pucca, Domo, and SpongeBob)
  • Sports (Soccer, Basketball, and Baseball)
  • Helping out others
  • Salty/sour food
  • Designs with squares on it
  • Turtles
  • Hats
  • Her brother’s new hair
  • Cats
  • Mean people
  • Burgers
  • When she doesn’t get something right on the first try
  • Bugs
  • Messy rooms
  • Hotdogs
  • Biting her fingernails
  • Pacing
  • Doodling
  • Talking in her sleep
  • Adding salt into her food before she even tastes it
  • Writing song lyrics
  • Playing guitar
  • Drawing
  • Playing Sports
  • Cooking
  • Listening to music
  • Surfing the net
  • Heights
  • Snakes
  • Letting other people down/being a burden
  • Allergic to cats and peanuts
  • Believes in superstitions (ghosts, Friday 13th stuff)
  • Birthmark under left eye
  • Knows how to knit
  • Squares and the number 5 are signs of luck for her
  • Has a pet puppy named Otto
  • Has a scar from tripping on the sidewalk and cutting her right knee
Name of the Ulzzang: Lee So Ah
Links :
Back-up Ulzzang: Choi JungMi
Clothing style: She is almost always wears oversized t-shirt, jeans, converse, but she also like to wear sweaters, combat boots, and sweat pants. One of her favorite accessories has to be hats, she doesn’t have specific type that she likes because she likes all of them. She doesn’t mind wearing girly clothes, but if she had a choice, she would most likely pick jeans and a t-shirt.  

Stage Name: Ji
  • Lead Rapper
  • Composer
  • Main Dancer
Fanclub Name: Ji-Stripes
Persona: Quite Perfectionist
How did she became a trainee?: JiEun originally auditioned. She got passed the first round but after that, she was let go. Later on, after she won 2nd place in a dance contest and after finding out she was GD’s younger sister, she was scouted into YG. After two years of being a YG trainee, she was moved under SM in a trainee swap.

Trainee Life: Her trainee life was very hard, she would practice every opportunity she had, and she always practiced as hard as she always could. She sometimes even passed out from practicing too hard. She also had a hard time getting along with the other trainees because she wouldn't communicate with them. She would also get picked on for being a little bit overweight, so she did a few hardcore diets to lose the extra weight. Even though her trainee days were very difficult, family support got her through it.

Trainee Years: 8
Any Experience?: Appeared in a few CFs and was a back-up dancer in PSY’s ‘Right Now’ MV 

Parents: Kwon DaeJung: 52/Businessman/ Strict but caring, wasn’t very support of JiEun’s choice but learned to accept it and he is giving her his full support. JiEun is very close to her dad and he wants the best for her.

Kim ShinYeon: 50/House wife/ JiEun isn’t as close to her mom as she is to her her dad, but they are pretty close. JiEun’s mother is very kind and caring. She gives JiEun her full support and she never doubted her once.

Sibblings : G-Dragon:23/Idol/ JiEun wasn’t as close to JiYong as much as SiEun was, however, they did get along pretty well.

Kwon SiEun: 21/College student/ SiEun is JiEun’s younger twin sister who, unlike her sister, is very girly. SiEun and JiEun have always been together through everything and have never really spent a day without each other until JiEun became a trainee. Even though they have two different personalities, they are very close and have always told each other everything.
Family Background: JiEun was born into a normal family from Seoul, S. Korea. They weren’t poor, but they weren’t extremely rich. Since she was born and raised in Seoul, just like her siblings, she didn’t travel many places, but when she did, it was either to another place in S. Korea or a short visit to Japan.

Friends: Kim Inna(Not an Idol), Kang DaeSung (BigBang)
Bestfriends: SeungRi (BigBang), Moon HyunBin (Not an Idol)
Rival(s) and Why?: JiEun sees herself as her own rival. No matter how well she does during practice or on stage, in the end the only person she has to be better than is herself so that she can improve.

Love Life:
Love interest : Eli Kim (U-Kiss)
His Personality: Eli is a friendly person, he’s kind to everybody around him and he’s always fooling around. He has a mature side, but he doesn’t show it as much; only when he working, but even then he may fool around a bit. He doesn’t really have much of a temper, so he never really gets mad. In addition, whenever there is a tense situation, like if a few people are arguing, he might sometimes help them straighten things out.
How you meet: They bumped into each other on the streets. JiEun fell, cut her knee, and Eli offered to help her out. They haven’t met again since, or at least not yet.

Back-up Love Interest: Jang DongWoo
His Personality: DongWoo is a care-free person. Due to his happiness, he is never in a bad mood. He is always happy and he is always smiling. However, when it comes to work and practicing, he becomes serious.
How you meet: Haven’t met

Other Informations about the character:
Ideas for the story: If it’s isn’t too much work for you, you can always make a rival group out of the applicants that didn’t make it. The members of the group can just be minor characters, so they can just make cameo appearances.
Comments: I kinda want to explain why I put ‘Ji-Stripes’ as her fanclub name because there is a small meaning behind it. The first part, Ji, is kinda obvious cause her name is JIeun and the ‘Stripe’ part, since she is a perfectionist, stripes are like lines, and squares are a sign of luck for her, the lines (stripe) have to be be straight and accurate (perfectionist) in order to make a square (her lucky shape).


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