
Ok like the other this one still needs some work but it is farther in the planning than the B.A.P one. However unlike the B.A.P one this one does not have a title yet or a poster made, feel free to make suggestions if you would like. Yes I know the plot is a bit cliche but like I said in the B.A.P one I want to challenge myself to make this my own.  


Jasmine "Jazzie" Barnes grew up in the states, Texas to be exact and she is damn proud of it to. She is an only child, since her father died when she was a baby and has been raised by her mother all her life. She is attending college to be a writer, she loves reading and would like to write books one day. The thought of using her immagination to come up with worlds people could escape to just thrills her. One day her mother sits her down and tells her that she has been betrothed to a korean boy ever since before she was born, the boy is her mothers best friends only son. Not really liking the idea of not being able to choose for herself who she will marry as well as having just come out of an extremely bad relationship she tries to talk some sense into her mother. However her mother does not waver and then continues to tell her the boy is five years younger than her and in a boy group. If that wasn't enough for Jasmine to digest her mother tells her that she is going to be traveling to South Korea in a month to meet him and her future mother-in-law. Eli has a similar reaction when his mother tells him this news. It's not that he has a problem with her age or nationality, it's just he would rather choose himself and he doesn't even know the woman. He is determined never give the girl a chance, Jazzie equally doesn't want to give him a chance but chooses to at least be civil and nice, Eli on the other hand...


Ok I know that description but it's late and I have to get up early to go to a doctors apointment tomorrow. Wanted to get these up ASAP and not hold off on them any longer. 


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