Do it by 10's



1. Are you single - Yesh

2. Are you happy - Kinda?

3. Are you bored - Not really, since I'm doing this post

4. Are you white - I was never white -.-

5. Are you Italian - Nope

6. Are you intelligent - Oh yes yes yes~ I'm just lazy to use it HAHA nahs, i'm not~ :D

7. Are you honest - Lying is good for the health... Okay, I'm crapping. Sometimes (:

8. Are you nice - Duh... At least I think I am

9. Are you Irish - Nope 

10. Are you Asian - Hell Yes!



1. Full Name - Liau Kai Xin (Yes.. I just revealed it LOL Stalk me HAHA)

2. Nicknames - Ah Kai, Xin, Kiki

 3. Birth place - Singpore

4. Hair color - Totally Black

5. Natural hair style - Let down~ 

6. Currently living at - On earth, in the heart of Choi Minho

7. Birthday - 13 Nov 1996 

8. Mood - Right now? Happy

9. Favorite color - Blue and Purple FTW! :DDD

10. One Place you'd like to visit - Paris ^^ 



1. Have you ever been in love - In love? No... At least I don't think it's love. Should be like? HAHA

2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yup! :D

3. Do you currently have a crush? - Does my hubby Minho Choi counts? xD

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yes

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yesh.... I didn't mean too.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken - Thousands of time. Feels like the norm LOL

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Uh huh.

8. Are you afraid of commitment - commitment? as in relationship? No.

9. Who was the last person you hugged - I'm hugging my bolster ^^ 

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - My wifey(friend) ^^ 



1. Love or lust - Lub! <3

2. Hard liquor or beer - beer though I'm not legal...

 3. Cats or dogs - Doggy! :D

4. A few best friends or any regular friends - a few best friends

5. Creamy or Crunchy - I can't chose ><

6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil! 

7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Depends~ 

8. Money or Happiness - Happiness

9. Night or day - Night ^^ 

10. IM or phone - phone



1. Been caught sneaking out - Once I think? 

2. Seen a polar bear- In the zoo! :D

3. Done something you regret - Of courseee Haha

4. Bungee jumped - I'm going to try it one day! :P

5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Of courseeee

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - What's that? O.O

7. Been caught - My mom took a picture -.- When I was young of cos.

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - When I was confused? 

9. Cried because you lost a pet - Nahs~ Hyukkie is still there keke~ :D My personal monkey! :P

10. Wanted to disappear - Oh, u don't know how many times I wanted too and God doesn't agree -.-




1. Smile or eyes - Eyes

2. Light or dark hair - dark

3. Hugs or kisses - Kisses (:

4. Shorter or taller - taller :D

5. Intelligence or attraction - a balance of both ^^ 

6. Hot Topic or Hollister - erm.. once again... Whats that? 

7. Funny or serious - FUNNY RULES! 

8. Older or Younger - Oppa! :D

9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing

10. Sweet or Bad - Both! :D



1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes

2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Once LOL

3. Ever tried walking on your hands- I fail even at standing on my hands T_T

4. Ever been to a rock concert - nope~ only concert was SS3 LOL

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? - Nope

6. Ever went skinny dipping? -  I'm too young LOL

7. Ever been on a blind date - I'm not that despo yet LOL

8. Ever went ice skating - Not yet...

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - I WILL... One day...

10. Ever been in a circus? - Circuse like my funny brother? Oh why yes xD



1. Go bungy jumping or cliff diving? - Both! :D

 2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? - chick flick I hate horror! 

3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? - Hawaii

4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? Truth or dare~ :D

5. Cheat or be caught cheating? - aren't they the same thing? Nope i don't want any

6. Read or watch? - read

7. Text or Call? - text

8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? - Wow. Nice question. I rather go deaf... Nahs. JB.

9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? - Shutup and be happy

10. Go to facebook or tumbler? - Facebook



1. I'm shy around strangers but crazy in front of close friends! :D

2. Minho is my husband~ :D

3. I am delusional cos I have a kpop family tree consisting of my biases! ^^ 

4. I'm younger than most ppl my age but I act like I'm the oldest

5. People thinks I'm tall but, I think I'm short ><

6. I like being a maknae! :D

7. I like rainy days better than sunny ones

8. I have feelings for non living things

9. I name my stuff toys and my pillow and bolster and blanket

10. I have nicknames for friends I'm close with! :D


Stolen from: shineelovah4evah  

Wow. That was one long post! HAHA :D


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OH.. so thats ur chinese name!! :) mine is ---- LIN MEI LI :)) <3