Is there anybody else who is REALLY REALLY excited about this?

I know I am! I cannot wait until they come to America!
I don't care how far away in the states it is I am saving up a lot of my money JUST to go & see them!
I really want to meet Daesung(:


I just wish that YG will post the tour dates and places SOON! So I know how long I have left to save!
Hopefull it is in the late fall so I can have a long time to save!
I am really excited!

If any of you guys know anything PLEASE let me know(:



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Haha They will defiantly come to Los Angeles and New York City(:
I live in Florida, but I am saving up now to be able to get there.
I have family in Vermont sooo no hotel for me!(:
Haha just the plane ticket and the concert tickets!

Oh my goshhhh! I am just so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing is sure that they will come to New York :D (Tokyo, Paris and London too.) But no dates when they come to this places :( I am realla excited about this too :D I really really wanna meet Daesung too :3 and i have to wait until i know if they come to Germany T~T