Annoying People

There is this freaking annoying person who comes to my house EVERY SINGLE DAY! This guy has his own house so why does he come to our house? WHY!


I'm not going to college right now due to surgery i had done a couple of moths ago, but it's all healed now. Anyways i make breakfast for me and my dad. But then the annoying guy comes to eat too. I always have to make A LOT of food because this guy eats like a freaking PIG. One minute there is a lot of food on the table and then the next theres nothing left for me!


We have a Sony internet TV. So after breakfast the guy watches TV along with my dad while i clean up. My dad goes to work at 2 pm and when he leaves the guys still stays at my house. I'm creeped out by the guy so i go into my room. I would normally get on my laptop but the laptop isn't working so no internet for me! So I'm there in my room bored to death!


My siblings come home from school around 4 pm and the guy is still here. This is what we all look like when we find him still in our living room."Oh, your still here!"

 We can't be comfortable in our own house! We want to get on our TV and watch what we want but NO! When we do manage to get our remote control back he still sticks around! So we still can't watch what we want.


One day i got fed up with all this so i kicked him out of our house.


And do you know what he did? He didn't come to our house for about a month!


He was too upset to come out of his house. I swear this guy is beyond emotional. If someone did that to me i would get over it but i swear this guy is more of an emotional girl than i am.

And did i mention that this guy is freaking RICH! I mean, come on! You can buy your own internet TV and you can go out to eat all the time. But no! He always come to our house! My mom is so fed up with him and so is my dad. But the poor guy has no one else.  My family is the only one who is willing to be nice to him. Everyone else can't stand him because he is so annoying. I feel sorry for him some times but then I'm all like "Just leave us alone!"


He can be sweet at times but then he has to go ruin it with his Stupidness. He really is stupid. He thinks he knows every thing! He's 27 years old and still can't figure out why he's single. The poor guys been engaged 4 times!


He left around 7 pm. That's what time he normally leaves. But thankfully he's not coming to our house as much. Now he comes about 4 times a week. We drop him little hints when we want him to go but he's too stupid to get those little hints.


Sorry about all that. I just need to blow off some steam!

LOVE YOU ALL! ^^ Going to party a little now that he's gone! ^^



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Gah! Free loaders .
My little brothers friends always come over to my house, even when he's not there! They never leave, too! It used to try to be polite to them, but it got old fast. Now, I just turn into a crazy and yell at their asses to "get the out!" until they leave. Little -heads. Wow. That was a little crazy. These kids are just total s though. They come over, uninvited, and trash our backyard, cuss, and are extremely rude. They steal, do drugs, and are a horrible influence on my little brother who is now just as much of an as them. I seriously freaking hate these kids. DX
Sounds just like a cousin of mine. He's just like that, so I feel your pain lol.
omg, i know how you feel -_-
this happened to us before, and like- i try sleeping but then, the dude and his wife are like really loud -_-
aaaaahhh i love doojoon and siwon <3 ahhh