Kat's Kitten Is A DJ


This naughty kitten of Kat...he's really something sometimes you know?

So, this weekend, we had a mini-holiday since we had 4 free days. It's a lil' complicated, but it has to do with Labour Day which is a free day here in Romania. And because it was yesterday, Thuesday that is, they decided to let us off Monday too. Lucky, huh?

Anyway, what I was trying to say here was that I went ot a party Sunday night. And guess who was the DJ there? Hmmmm...that's right! Kat's kitten was up on the stage, smilin gfrom ear to ear to some chick that was dancing next to him. UGHHHH! I ignored him, of course, because we're not together or anything like that and there are moments in which he really really annoys me :(

And Kat had so many things to think about that she just forgot about his presence at the party. That was until he decided to sing. And he took the mic and got off the stage and came in the middle of the dance floor and invited me to step in the spotlight with him. Oy, you bad bad kitten! Making your master look like a fool in the front of her friends and your friends!

Anyway, I took his hand...I was more curious than ever. And he chose this song to sing...


Has a message behind the lyrics?


What happened afterwards? Well, I kinda...well...hmmm...left earlier than him? Yeah...I had a full Saturday and Sunday with all the debate contest and all the nervousness. Yeah...but I saw him today *giggles*

Ze End

And don't forget that Kat love you!!! *huuugs*

And don't forget to check out her latest fic:

'The House Behind The Magnolias'


Kat's Out~


Oh! I almost forgot!

Here's a treat for you! *giggles*


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I bet he likes you!!! <3 That's like SO romantic!! I want guys singing for me too T^T

I WANT ROMANCE! In real life too! T___T
That sounds so sweet. :3
It sounds like it came out of a drama.
Your kitten sounds like a real sweety. :D