Random blog post~ & HunHan together again!

Sorry, this has nothing to do with anything but I just wanna blurt out some stuff because I usually don't have anyone to talk to. ^^"

Anywho, I'm ill and I can barely speak because of this cold-

But today just got better because I found a prom dress finally and I'm drooling over it right now. Look! Look!



Hahaha, and I know you're probably all looking at it like:


"Damn, you really like grey don't you?" 

Yes people, yes I do!


But seriously, look at it! *drools over dress*

Oh, and I literally ran to my computer and read loads of comments on my stories and that just made my entire life brighter so thank you to anyone who subscribed or commented, I'm even just thankful to you that you read my stories in the first place to be honest!

And and and - HunHan are back together again!



Okay I'm done fangirling over everything in this post, good night! :)


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Ohmygod. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
Your prom dress is *drools* I want one too! Except I want a blue one. Like, you know, electric blue :3 (except... only if I was skinnier T.T)
But omg, it's perfect!!!!!!!!! PERFECT~ <3 (I hate ginormous hot pink poofy dresses soooo... well actually I hate dresses in general but it really depends on the dress and... wow :P)
bahaha the last gif trololol
omg. Hunhan. omg. *continues your fangirling*
SEHUNNIE LOOKS SO YOUNG!!! but I have to say Luhan looks younger... lolwut xD
omg my beautiful OTP omg omg omg ZOMG
they're so beautiful
beautiful otp is beautiful