Teenage Insecurities.

. I hate the way I look. I either look kinda pretty, or ugly.

Why can't I be one of those 24/7 pretty girls.

I'm fine being a little fatty. I'm okay with being a short little fatty. I mean...who cares if I'm 200 hundred pounds and am 5'3. I think I wear my fat well and I'm athletic enough when I'm not all broken. Heck. I can run fast enough to escape a killer, or chase some skinny down.


I swear. I look gross ALL the time. But then, my pictures come out pretty most of the time....but why can't I look pretty like in my pictures. I don't edit my face like some people .__.

So why me no pretty?



I feel stupid ranting like this.



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I used to feel the exact same way- and I was obsessed with lighting and all of that. lol. I still am- just not chronically.
patchiee #2
babyy u're always pretty :( dont hate ur face :( *huggies*
i think you're pretty..... -insert chanyeol creepy smile-
but in all seriousness society has ed up peoples views on what the pretty standard is. everyone has their own definition of pretty so don't pay any mind to it.
Hey!! Ur beautiful inside and out! And who ever can't see that is some jealous es!!! Hahaha but really everyone is beautiful in there own way^^