The Psych Ward :: The Schizophrenia Application



[Personal Info]

Username: UlzzangMania
Name: Just call me Sunny


[Character Basic Info]

Name: Hwang So Hyun
Nickname: Hunny
Patient Number: 112
Gender: Female
ual Orientation: Straight
Age: 21
Date of Birth: March/11
Hometown: Diamond Bar
Ethnicity: American/Korean
Weight: 43 kg


Ulzzang or idol of choice : 1 2 3
Name of Ulzzang or idol: Jang Hae Byeol

[All About You]


Name: Niamh Hwang

Age: 50
Occupation: Teacher
Notes: She cares alot for both of her children. She works alot harder than she used to to look after both of her kids now her husband has passed away. So Hyun hates her mom alot because she thinks that if they would have stayed in america her dad would have lived.


Name: Hwang Jun Soo
Age: 51
Occupation: None
Notes: He passed away when 
So Hyun was 16 and her sister was 1. He cared for his family more than anything.

Name: Hwang Soo Ji
Age: 6
Occupation: Student
Notes: Soo Ji loves her sister more than anything and tries to visit her every week. Soo Ji is a very inquisitive little girl and can always put a smile on her sisters face. So Hyun always carries a picture of Soo Ji around to stop her getting lonely.

Picture of Soo Ji

History: So Hyun was always a quiet girl, she had a real good friend in America and would often come home with stories about him. She was a good student and came top of the class in almost every subject. Then, when she was 14 her family told her they would have to move back to Korea after her father got sick. The girl was put under a lot of pressure to learn the language and when her dad died, Something inside her just...snapped.

Languages: Korean, English and a little Japanese

Personality: So Hyun is very reserved and doesn't have alot of friends. She is scared that if she tells someone, that they will go tell everyone else and she will be known  as ' The Freak'. Because of this she doesn't speak to people other than her sister and close friends. So Hyun is also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to her and she won’t spill. She holds grudges on people, and she doesn't easily forgive them after.  She loves seeing her her sister laugh and smile. If you do end up getting to know So Hyun then it would be wise to keep everything you hear to be a secret. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings. She keeps everything bottled up inside of her. Often it gets to much and it just explodes out of her.. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she keeps to herself. She can see through most people and read them, just with a little conversation. She is extremely smart. She's a perfectionist and will keep working at it until she gets it perfect.  She`s good at giving advice, but tend not to take her own advice. Crying is her major weakness. She hates crying period, because it just too hard for her to hold back her tears when she is sad. Most people realise that when she talks to or with her sister her day gets better.



  • Tea
  • Fashion
  • Dancing
  • Piano
  • Singing


  • Liars
  • Fakes
  • Snobs
  • People who hurt her family
  • Her illness


  • Listening to music
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Playing piano
  • Talking to her sister
  • Reading




The Psychosis


Affliction: Schizophrenia 
Specified Affliction: She claims that voices talk to her, and follow her around. She finds it hard to tell if she is awake or dreaming. She often screams and shouts at people to stop talking, even when they haven't said a word to her. She gets massive headaches and can be extremely violent. She is paronoid that people are saying things about her behind her back. She often does thing that she doesn't mean and blames it on the voices in her head. 

Past with affliction: She would keep to herself when she was in school, She only had one real friend, Yesung. He was older than her by a few years and she would tell him everything. He took a real intrest in her and cared for her alot. When So Hyun was 10 Yesung moved away to Korea, leaving her alone in America. Because she had nobody to talk to she kept her feelings bottled up and one day she snapped. She screamed at the teacher who 'looked at her funnily' and slapped one of the teachers who tried to help restrain her.
Admission: She went home after school on the day she attacked a teacher and found out her dad had died. She told her mother that it was her fault he died and tried to kill her. After failing this she got Soo Ji, who was one year old at the time and took her out of the house. She started to get a massive headache and many voices told her to drop her sister, who would have died if she would have been dropped. But So Hyun couldn't do it, so the voices told her to burn the house down instead, and the voices got louder and louder, so she took a match and burnt it down. Her mom had already got out of the house and phoned the police. She knew something was wrong with her daughter. That she was normally so sweet and quiet. She would never do anything like this.

So Hyun was sent to the Psych Ward with Schizophrenia

Treatment: Nope, First time being treated





Tattoos, Scars, or Birthmarks: She has a birthmark on her waist.
Worst fears: If something happed to her family, Being called a Freak
Request for character: If you can, can she meet Yesung again, He became a doctor after he moved to Seoul and they meet again because he is her doctor.

[Please acknowledge that by giving me your character, you allow me full creative ability. Not all will have a happy ending, and by submitting this character, you are acknowledging that all choices in plot are clearly to my discretion.]


I dont mind. I look forward to reading this story, even if I'm not picked!



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Aw, what a sweetheart! (You, I mean. Maybe not So Hyun. XD )
Two quick questions. Where is Diamond Bar?
And the little girl chosen as the visual for her dongsaeng, Soo Ji... is that Lauren from MBLAQ's Hello Baby?