
I've been getting serious writers block over the past few weeks, I haven't updated my current story because of it. Honestly I have no idea where to go from there so does anyone have any suggestions? Requests maybe? To be honest I was considering just deleting it and making it into a few oneshots or something? Please help mee, I don't want to disappoint :(


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smileysgoboing #1
Calm down, and let your readers know that there won't be any udates for a while. They should respect you as an author/writer.
On your writer's block: you don't necessarily have to write about your story; take your mind off you story and write about something else (you don't have to finish or post it up - just write about something).
If you haven't already, try and plan out your stories - do chapter outlines so you know exactly what you need to write for each chapter.
Yeah. Hope that helps :P