❥ A.ST✰R} A Cube's new girl group




❥You, yourself & just you}

{Aff profile link}  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73698

{Your name}  Tae


❥Your character}

{Name of your character} Kim Sung Jyoo

{Any english names?} -

{Nicknames; if any}  Little Devil, G-vil (GU + Devil),Green maniac

{Age} 17

{Birthdate} 9 February 1995

{Nationality; State if you're half korean} Korean

{Birthplace}  Seoul,South Korea

{Hometown} Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

{Height} 168cm

{Weight} 46 kg

{Personality; at least once long paragraph, don't give me a long one, I don't really like reading a long one, but I don't mind.}


She is pure choding that make him close to his brother friend Lee Sung Yeol.She is his partner of pranking people.People call her ‘little devil’ because of this.Everywhere she is happy and hyperactive.But inside herself, she is more mature than her own age.She always happy cause she think everytime she sad she will be a burden to others.She like to help people problems but she never show or open up her own problem.She doesnt know to express herself through talking so she express everthing by singing.This make she independent  girl.She never show her negative mood to peoplpe except her veeeery close friend and her brother.She like to bottle up her feelings.



She come from normal family.She close to her brother Kim Sung Gyu.Her parents work oversea that make her more close to her brother.She study at Seoul Art High School with her fellow bestfriend.People always wonder why she always happy like she doesnt have problem to worry about.But that surely wrong.Actually deep inside her is broken.Long time ago she involve in accident when she is 10 years old.That incident make her forgot all the memmory before it that she  make really sad.It being a long time to make her bcome her usual self.After that,she never want to be a burden anymore.

{Hobbies; 3+}



pranking people when she bored

practice singing

{Likes; 5+}


-green stuff

- Domokun stuff toys

-playing piano and violin

-reread her Percy Jackson books


-spicy food

-take selca

-she like to make new friend

{Dislikes; 5+}


=keep herself sweaty

=people who take her greeny and domo-kun stuff

=do nothing

=people who is big mouth

=make people feel bad

=dirty things

{Habits; 3+}


*cover herself when sleeping until can only see her nose and eyes.

*sit while hugging her legs and swaying back and forth

*will walk non-stop when she is nervous or worried

*bit her lips when she do mistake when training

*smack her cheeks using her hands when she is embarrased

{Trivia; 5+}

 ..always supply her brother medicine and vitamin cause her brother always tired and had a weak body

..had a very high octave.

..she is the top three in ullzang shidae

..she once participate in musical and cf

..had make a group of friends and call them self *95 jjang*

..she bestfriend with all 95 lliner

..She is former lead vocal in Apink but had to withdraw because of her serious injury while practice.

❥Your looks}

{Name of the ulzzang} Park Hye Min

{Ulzzang's link; 5+}






{Back-up ulzzang name} Kim Shin Yeong

{Back-up ulzzang's link; 3+}




{Style; Casual, Sleepwear, Formal, etc}

She like to wear clothes from her mom designing and SPAO.She doesnt like yo wear clothes that is too revealing or too girly.She like to wear pyjama cotton or cartoo pyjama.When she want to go outing she like to wear skinny jean, cardigan also sneakers.She also like to wear mini dress when go to occasion.But at all times she like to wear clothes that make her feel comfortable.

{Anything else?}


❥Your family}


Kim Sung Jae | 45 | Father | Bussiness man | like to joking always but always busy with work.He always make the best in en everything he do.Yes,he is perfectionist.

Kim Jae Hee | 44 | Mother |Fashion Designer | Like to cook but also busy working.Still she do her things as a mother.She is like a friend to her.Once a model but retire and be a fashion designer.That famous in Korea.

Kin Sung Gyu | 23 | older brother |Artist | Infinite | Leader & Main Vocal | He is overprotective but always care about his sister,family and his band mate.He had a charming eyesmile.He is very discipline man.He also take his father perfectionist.Besides,he like to nag a LOT.Even his own sister doesnt like when he start to nag.

Kim Nam Joo |17 | cousin |Artist| Apink | Lead dancer, vocal and rapper |She like a twin with her.Her cheerfullness always make people around her happy.She also a drama queen and she like to storytelling alot.Talkative.She in the same school and class with her.

Lee Chi Hoon | 24 | cousin | Model | He is the one who pull her in the show ‘ulzzang shidae’ .He like to act cool in front her but completely FAIL.Like to goof around her.Had a very handsome face.Sometimes like to argue with her but obviously will loss.Choding always win.


❥Your friends}


Joo Yong Min | 17 | Artist | Boyfriend | ?? | He is the older twin but always like act like a youngr one. He is lovely but sometime annoying.But who can get angry when he use his aegyo. He awkward with new people.Study in the same school with her.Bestfriend with her.

Joo Kwang Min | 17 | Artist | Boyfriend | ?? |He is the younger twin.He had a 4D personality.Always caught him space out.Like to do goofy things.Same school with her but different class.Doesnt like to show affection with her brother in front of people only in front his close friend. Bestfriend with her.

Moon Jong Up | 17 | Artist | B.A.P | Main Dancer | He likes To smile A LOT. Like to do awkward things.Never once he badmood.He likes to dance around sometimes even when the class is still ongoing.Same schooland same class.Best friend with her.

Lee Sung Yeol | 21 | Artist | Infinite | Vocal | He is choding just like her.Very close to her.Always becomes serious when he practice.Like to argue with her over a small thing.Like to do owl face and dolphin shriek.Someone who can make you feel better.

**she friend with everyone

❥Your idol-self}

{Stage name} G-You

{Persona} Happy  as the sun shine bright


1st choice:❥two | Main Promoter, 2nd Main Vocalist, Visual

2nd choice:❥one | Leader & Lead Vocalist

3rd choice: ❥five | Maknae & 2nd Lead Vocalist


❥Your boy}

{The boys}

1st choice:


Jung  Dae Hyun | 19 |Artist | B.A.P |Lead vocalist |He always cold to people but not to her.She met him for the first time when he come to pick up Jong Up from school . Since then you become close to him.He is a warm person and always make her feel secure.Like a third brother to her cause the second is yeollie.He have a milliont watt smile.Someone who can be rely on.Trustworthy.

2nd choice:


Lee Ki Seop | 21 | artist | Ukiss | vocal and dancer | He is another cheerfull person that you feel close.Know you even before his debut in the ullzang shidae.He had a unrelated twin that is Jaehyo from Bllock B cause they hav almost same face.Bestfriend with Jaehyo.Like to do skinship with you but not in a erted way.He also like to do aegyo and take selca.Sometimes emotional.


❥Your comments}

{Anything you wanna ask/comment?}

{Any request?}
{Any suggestions for the fan club name?} Artenis


❥Your exit}

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