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Username: LeeTacyeon

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Full Name: Zhang Ying Hua

Nickname: Ice,Flame,Trades

Age: 15 

Birthdate : 03/18/1997

Place of Birth : Changsha,Hunan,China 

Hometown: Changsha,Hunan,China

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Pure Chinese

Languages: Chinese,Korean,Japanese,English,Thai

Height: 170cm

Weight: 40kg



Personality: A very cold,mysterious and intimidating looking girl. But in reality,she is very rebellious and mischievous. Often playing pranks -mostly something related to scary things- on people for entertainment and lives by her own rules. Ying Hua also tends to skip classes but yet she is the top in her school. Ying Hua often keeps on a pokerface so her actions are very unpredictable. Though very mischievous and rebellious,when she becomes serious,she is very scary. Ying Hua can also be very kind and caring when needed. Ying Hua also loves swearing,she has learned to curse ever since she was only nine.

Since Ying Hua is very intelligent,her 'master plans' always work out the way she wants them. When Ying Hua smirks,run. Her smirks are trade marks for her 'master plans' which will normally go not so nicely. Ying Hua also has the ability to scare people who are older than her. Often having them follow what she says. Though very lazy,Ying Hua is actuallly very athletic and loves sports. She runs very fast,has high stamina and can pull off any sport you throw at her. But her real love is shooting,archery,swordsmanship/kendo,frisbee and running.

Ying Hua is also terrified of insects. Whenever she sees an insect,she will at all costs run away from it. Specially cockcroaches. Other insects she can handle without screaming at all but cockcroaches are,what she claims,"terrifying creatures". If she sees a cockcroach,her normally straight face will turn into a terrified one. She will scream at her highest pitch possible. Normally screaming for her brother's help to kill the cockcroah.


Seeing blood
Scaring people
Scary things
Dark colors
Lazing around
Pranking people
Dangerous things


Make up
High heels(exception of platform shoes)
Being woken up
Being disturbed
The color pink
Self-centered people(exceptions of her friends)
People who look down on her
People who push her around too much
Aegyo(doing it/seeing it)
Nags(1% tolerance)


Glaring at things when she's nervous
Glaring at things and people when she just wakes up
Talking in English when she's talking to herself
Swearing out loud when she's angry




Trivia (5+):

Ying Hua learned how to swear at a very young age
Her brother and her a very close to each other
She may love sleeping and lazing around but she's actually very athletic
She always keeps a pocket knife in her pocket or somewhere near her for protection
She can play the guitar(acoustic and electric),bass guitar,drums,piano,violin and the ukulele/ukelele
When sick,she turns from being rebellious and mischievous to fragile and soft



Name of the Ulzzang: Min Hyo Sun

Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Back-up Ulzzang: Mikki (Lee Yeon Joo)

Links: 1 2

Clothing style: I'm a er for links,so,links~

Training Styles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dorm Styles: 1 2 3 4 5 6(Please ignore the shoes)

Casual Styles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Formal Styles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Stage Name: Ice


Main Rapper
Main Dancer
Triple Threat

Fanclub Name: Glaciers

Persona: Rebellious Rapper

How did she became a trainee?: Ying Hua became a trainee when her mother showed Lee Soo Man a clip of her rapping and dancing. Lee Soo Man was impressed and asked Ying Hua's mother to bring Ying Hua to him. The next day,Ying Hua's mother brought Ying Hua to Lee Soo Man and told her to just simply rap and dance in front of him. Ying Hua obliged and Lee Soo Man was even more impressed at the young girl's talent. Considering the fact that her brother was a trainee at SM Entertainment as well,Lee Soo Man accepted her in as a trainee.

Trainee Life: Even though her tainings were tight,Ying Hua did a very good job in balancing school and training. Ying Hua was an outstanding trainee. Exceeding in all componants. Many people wanted to approach Ying Hus for advice but her cold and intimidating looking features kept them away. Though,that didn't bother Ying Hua as she loved her privacy and space.

Trainee Years: 1 Year

Any Experience?: Helped in some of the rap parts and choreography for EXO's MAMA. Both EXO-K and EXO-M.





Zhang Yi Zian,38,CEO. As the CEO of one of the top business industries in Korea,he is viewed as a very strict man. But,he is actually a very kind and caring person. He is someone who cares deeply for his family and is very loving to them. Always putting his family in front of anything else. A very loving father and husband.


Han Feng,33,Manager of Super Junior. The stricter one of the two parents. Though,it is expected since she is,what sha calls them,the manager of 'The 15 National Idiots Of Korea". But,she is also very kind and caring. She loves her family deeply and puts them in front of anything. A very loving mother and wife.


Older Brother-

Zhang Yi Xing/Lay,21,Member of EXO. EXO-M's Lay. Ying Hua's older brother who is very caring and kind towards her. Not to mention overprotective. Absolutely hates it when males approach her. Even if they have more authority and power. Heck even if their older than him! He will glare at any male who approaches his baby girl. He has a very close knit relationship with Ying Hua and will do anything to protect her. Normally the first person to know is Ying Hua is sick. It's a sibling thing. Calls Ying Hua 'Baby Girl'.

Family Background: Growing up in a fortunate and wealthy family,Ying Hua has never had any hardships in her life. Whether it was fincancially, academically, mentally, physically, emotionally or anything else. Although,her feather-like weight has always been a troublem. Ying Hua is also very intelligent. Always having straight As' in her report card ever since young and managed to skip two grades and is now in second year high school in one of the top and most prestigious schools in Korea. Some even say she has an advanced brain. Ying Hua's parents arranged for her and her brother to learn how to fight when Ying Hua was only three; for self defence since they thought body guards were too untrusting. That wasn't really a problem since Ying Hua and her brother developed a love for fighting. Ying Hua especially ending up loving fighting,archery,shooting and swordsmanship/kendo. Ying hua and her brother also developed a love for music,rapping and dancing when Ying Hua was only five. 




EXO(All other 11 members). Ying Hua's closest friends. They met when they spotted Lay and her together. They decided to stalk- I mean,'follow' them. Curious who the mysterious girl was. Although,they got discvered by Ying Hua by the end of the day and they couldn't do much except tell Lay what they were doing. Lay then introduced them to Ying Hua but told them if they ever decided to 'follow' Ying Hua again,they were dead meat.  From that day on they became very close to Ying Hua. They are probably the only people Ying Hua exempts from almost puching when they do aegyo in front of her.

SHINee(All 5 members). One of Ying Hua's closest friends. Though,not as close as Ying Hua and EXO. They met Ying Hua when they saw her practising her rapping with their song,'Get Down'. They were impressed and asked who she was. She replied by saying that she was a trainee at SM Entertainment. Since Ying Hua was a trainee in SM,SHINee often met her here and there. Since they usually saw each other,they became very good friends.

Super Junior(All 15 members). Probably the people Ying Hua has known the longest. They met when Ying Hua decided to tag along with Han Feng when she went to work one day. Since Han Feng normally goes on meetings,she asked them to take care of her little girl and would kill them if she saw even one scratch on her flawless skin. Since SJ was afraid of their female manager,they kept their promise and took care of Ying Hua throughout the whole day. They developed a very close relationship with eachother by the end of the day.

Best friends:

Wu Fan/Kris,22,Member of EXO-M
Kim Jongin/Kai,18,Member of EXO-K

Rival(s) and Why?: -


Love Life:

Love interest: Wu Fan/Kris,22,Member of EXO-M

His Personality: Ying Hua's best friend who has feelings for her. Anyone who doesn't know them would think that they are a couple since they act like one. Normally with them doing a lot of skinship(e.g. hugging each other. A LOT.) and Ying Hua jumping on Kris' back so that she could feel how it is to be 'high above the clouds'. Kris is very kind and caring towards Ying Hua. Not to mention protective. He may be a little shaken by Lay's glares but that doesn't stop him from doing skinship with Ying Hua. Has wanted to confess to Ying Hua but is afraid of being rejected. But he doesn't know for a fact that Ying Hua too has feelings for him. Also Ying Hua's partner in crime.

How you meet: They met when EXO decided to 'follow' Lay and Ying Hua when they spotted them together. They were then introduced to each other later the same day.

Back-up Love Interest: Kim Jongin/Kai,18,Member of EXO-K

His Personality: Ying Hua's best friend who has feelings for her. They are like cat and dog. Like Tom and Jerry. They bicker a lot but they are extremmely close to each other. Though Kai and Ying Hua bicker a lot,Kai is very kind and caring towards her.  Protective as well. Lay's glares shaken him a little bit so he doesn't do that much skinship with Ying Hua. But he still does quite an amount of skinship with her. Has wanted to confess to Ying Hua but is afraid that if he does,Lay would kill him.

How you meet: They met when EXO decided to 'follow' Lay and Ying Hua when they spotted them together. They were then introduced to each other later the same day.



Other Informations about the character: -

Ideas for the story: Nope,sorry...... :(

Comments: Please do ignore the tattoo in the pic of the ulzzang. Oh,and if you think the age is unrealistic,please,feel free to change it to the youngest possible realistic age for you :).


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