Is it harsh??

Its harsh and cruel when you and your best friend dont talk to each other anymore and you both dont even know why but when you hear the other one saying reasons why, they throw back harsh sayings

Am i right? psh of course

Well thats what im going through

-Family problem

-My crush disappearing to someone else

-Best friend+close friends teaming up against me

-Study problems *only math*


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.... You'll be alright ... :D
Family problem ? - hmm.... Family is the place we can make the heal :)
Your crush - @@" .... forget + find the new one ^^! [hmm... i dont know anything abt this ... @@]
BFF + ClsF ? ...hell ! what are they doing ? [what was you doing? ... ] Friends are friends .... if they keep doing like that, without reason => be strong, okay? Find new friends !
Math ? ... well ... ask yar br/.sis , they will help you alot :D !
Well.... Keep calm & carry on ^^
I feel you! ><