I Wish I Was A Writer

I have all these stories floating around in my head. It's crazy too because the stories come out of nowhere just as I wake up, so here I am laying in bed and I have this story just flash into my head. They're pretty good stories too (at least to me) and all I want to do is write them out and share it with people here. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Once I finally get onto my laptop or my brother's desktop, I get lost. I realize that the stories in my head are long and detailed and it would need to be separated into chapters. That's where I get into trouble. My head gives me the jist of the story and I already have the main plot and ending before I even start writing the intro. So then, as I start on the intro/first chapter, I get furstrated because if I dwell too much in the beginning, I'll forget all the good ideas I had for later in the story and I give up. Does anyone else have problems like this?

A few days ago, I started on a TOPFANY fic. I have the first chapter pretty much done. But this morning, I had the sudden idea to start on a GTOP fic. I'm not much of a writer and I definitely can't multitask, so the fact that I have these two stories that want to get written, but I can't seem to write them out, is so frustrating. If only I could take the storyline and images in my head and have them magically write themselves. LOL.


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I have issues like this a lot. It's normal when all these ideas float in one's brain. It becomes a hectic mess. What I usually do is write it out on paper first. When I get a sentence wrote, I think of the idols personalities and the ideas I have. Whether it's the ending or beginning. It also helps to listen to music or go outside. Maybe look out a window, put some of your feelings into it, etc. :D Don't give up just yet because it's normal. I tried to help a bit~