Horrible....Makes Me Cry D;

Ok, so I'm doing a persuasive speech on animal experimentation and if it's morally acceptable to use them for testing products and medicene for humans and it is horrible! I saw some videos and I wanted to cry! I felt so bad for these poor animals who don't even ask to be cut open while still concious or having things shoved down their throats.

Why are humans so dam cruel?

Yea there are pros to animal testing, such as, 'it saves human lifes' blah blah blah yes it does, most of the time, the rest of it, it harms or even kills the humans that used the product animals were tested on.

But there is a fine line between doing it for research and saving human lives and taking it too far. I'm seriously, there is really no excuse to use them on our pets, our families.

Just imagine that your pet, your family member, was lost and the shelter picks up that pet and takes them to the pound. Then researchers come to the pound and demand for your pet and the shelter has to give them your pet (in four states it is made legal that the pound HAS TO GIVE the researchers animals for testing without any objects, luckily it has been made illegal in fourteen states). Then they cut them open without any medication whatsoever or they shove tubs down their throats or noses and inject them with some type of drug.

How would you feel seeing your pet being cooped up in a small cage forced to be tested on, forced to senail due to the lack of socializing with other animals or having any freedom!

I wouldn't want my pet to endure that kind of suffering much less any other animal.

Yes, there are animal rights for them but it doesn't include rats or mice (which is about 81%? of the animal population) and it also doesn't require for labs to write down how many animals are tested for products and have died because of it.

What's also bad is how they kill animals for their fur. I saw a video on a Chinese fur farm...just cruel and inhumane.

They skinned the poor raccoon alive! ALIVE!! And left for dead with the pile of corpses of other raccoons.

This is not right. But we can do something about it. For one, look at the labels of all your household products and make sure it says animal cruelity free or something along those lines.

I'm not saying that you have compeltely change your shopping habits, I'm just saying to take inconsideration what these poor animals, some that don't even live to be a year old, go through just for some lipstick, perfume, or even shampoo.

We need to stop this madness! Animals having feelings too! They can feel pain, they can feel everything we humans feel! Just because we are the 'superior' animals, doesnt give us the right to torture other animals.

Ok...I'm done for right now...I'm going to go now...

sorry for this ranting just had to get it out...             


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I agree with you Minni Moon.
@alottastuff well yes. Nothing much would happen. But to me, personally, it would give me the satisfaction in not having anything to do with the animal cruelty. I too saw the videos that she said and they are super horrible. :[
as much as I agree with this...i do only have one point to make. what would be the point of not using the products that do these horrible things. just because you don't buy it doesn't mean that the company is just going to stop their testing. so whether you use it or not, the cruelty is still going to happen. right?
@elfsomnia thats cool that you are a vegeatarian, honselty I tried to be one, but its actually harder than saying it ^^; but yes, people should use more animal and environmetnally free products!
That's good! (that you don't wear anything with real animal fur)I think you are doing some good there ^^ I don't neither but I'm going to start looking at my labels to see where they come from and such. I have, well had, two pets-Shanana( a miniacher pincher) and bones(a pitbull). Sadly my Shannana died this past year...T~T I had her since I was a child..RIP SHANANA <3
This is exactly why I'm a vegetarian and why I only use products not tested on animals. Coincidentally, (or maybe not), most products not tested on animals are also organic, which is better for the environment and for our bodies.
I agree. I don't like the fact that animal's are used for clothing at all, I refuse to wear anything with real animal fur. True I like animal's, but I don't think I'd want to raise one or anything I just admire them from afar ^^