Why I Should Exist...


Kim Shin Yeong


contact information

username: SujuRyeosomnia1999

profile: Click!!! :)

who are you?

name: Faith Park

species: Hybrid

age: 16

personality: Faith. A girl that is what you would call, a perfect lady. She's completely beautiful and has the face of an angel. Even her voice is heavenly, just like the quiet whispers that you hear at night, telling you to not be worried of what happens the next day. She's calm in every situation and her smiles are so reassuring that you won't even be affraid of death once you see one. If she were any calmer than she already is, then she'd be dead. But that doesn't apply to her, for she is, but only half dead. She never speaks out of turn and always follows the rules and her manners. Faith truly does have etiquette, and she uses it in everything she does. She hates upsetting people and always makes up for her mistakes. Even if she accidentally bumps into you, she'll apologize more than once and bow while doing so. Faith is very devoted to making her father proud. She actually depends on her father's words, for those are the only thing that makes her happy, his praise. Faith really is the perfect daughter.

But no, no you're completely wrong. Faith isn't the perfect daughter or lady, she's the complete opposite, at least that's what she is to herself. Yes, Faith hates heself, no she despises herself. She always wondered what it would be like if she had been a normal, pureblood vampire. Would her life be better? Would he even start to care? All of these questions tearing through her brain, and it hurts, a lot. So to make the pain stop, she inflicts even more pain on herself. Yes, she cuts herself, but only when no one is looking. All over her arms and wrists, cuts old and new from trying to "make the pain go away". If only the pain really did go away, then she could continue her life. But still, more pain would find her, no matter where she'd hide.

Why does Faith always try to please others? Is it because her parents died when she was born? No, it's something much deeper than that. No, all Faith wanted was to feel loved. Growing up feeling fake love hurts, and it just hurts you even more in the future. But what could she do about it? Nothing is right. She was helplessly trying to earn love, but no one would give it to her. But it's not like they could even if they wanted to. No one could see Faith, only her "father" could. And he's the cause of all of Faith's problems.

background: Faith is under the care of her "father", and lives in a mansion on the very top of a hill with a couple maids and butlers here and there to assist them.  She is homeschooled by her personal butler, Sebastian, and rarely to never goes outside of the mansion. She eats a total of 2 meals a day, which is why she is so skinny and short. She keeps the curtains in her room closed all the time because she doesn't really like to see the sun, unless it's through the windows outside of her room.

Her father is a pureblood vampire and he doesn't give a single care about her. She's not even his own daughter, Faith is his brother's child together with a human. So he hates her, everything that she does he hates. Everything about her he despises, and Faith doesn't even know why. So she continues to do her best for her "father". But that's not all.

If only that was it, if only it just ended with him hating her, but no, it doesn't. Her "father" keeps her locked inside the mansion every single day and night. He, also, hits and abuses her on nights when he feels drunk, mad, or just feels like hitting her. Also, what's funny is that the maids and butlers don't even help or console her, for they're too affraid of getting themselves killed by him. But still Faith continues to do her best for him. Why, you might ask. Well, he's the only family that she has left, for the rest of them have already been slayed. She has no where to go, so her only choice is to stay there, with him.  


Park Kyungjae (Father/Uncle) | 43 | Expressionless, abusive, dark, and doesn't talk much | CEO of Park Electronics


1~ Being Loved

2~ Music

3~ Art

4~ Her Teddy Bear Named Mr. Teddy

5~ Her iPhone

6~ Her Special Notebook



1~ Her father/uncle (Kyungjae)

2~ Being Alone

3~ Scary/Horror Related Things

4~ Drinking Blood

5~ Being Scolded and Hit

6~ The Sunlight in Her Room

7~ Being Homeschooled


1~ Swinging her feet when she can't reach the floor

2~ Twirling and playing with her hair

3~ Poking her cheek with her finger or pencil when thinking


1~ Writing in Her Notebook (stories/songs)

2~ Watching Movies (comedy/romance/drama)

3~ Playing Piano (has a piano teacher)

4~ Singing (just likes to do it)


1~ Has one burnt picture of her real mother and father

2~ Although it's wrong, she sneaks out of the mansion every once in a while when Kyungjae is on a business trip

3~ Doesn't let anyone except herself touch her iPhone, Special Notebook, and/or Teddy Bear

4~ Was almost killed when she snuck out once, for she met up with a vampire slayer

5~ Cries in her sleep after she gets abused by Kyungjae

occupation: N/A

secret: She hates Kyungjae, even though she tells everyone that she absolutely adores him.

skills: Faith has the ability to wield fire, which she inherited from her father, she just doesn't know it yet.


love bites

love interest:

1~ Kris (EXO-M)

2~ Tao (EXO-M)

3~ Sehun (EXO-K)

personality: He's a stranger to Faith, but it's not like that to him. He knows Faith very well, ever since she was born in fact. He has always known her. He was her father's prodigy, and he was entrusted to keep her safe all throughout her life. Her father, actually, wanted him to marry Faith when she turned 16, so that her father would know that she's in good hands. Yes, he's kind of like a stalker, but that's all that he can be until the time is right. He's very shy and doesn't speak much. He hates sweet things, but will eat them for her sake. He's completely head over heels in love with Faith, even if Faith can't say the same about him, for she still doesn't know who he is yet. Will protect Faith at all costs, and will never let anyone hurt her, even himself. Will do anything for Faith, even if it means that his own life will have to end.

relationship: Stranger, then to be lovers. (hoping ^^)

Meeting ^o^ : Faith decides to sneak out while Kyungjae is on a business trip for 1 week. When she goes into town, she gets cornered by 3 drunk erts that try to her. But before anything could happen to her, he (Kris/Tao/Sehun) comes to Faith's rescue and leads her out of that place. She blacks out and he takes her to his home and lets her sleep there for the night. (>///<)


 blood shed

anything else/requests/suggestions/comments: Wahhhh this app was fun :P I can't wait to see who gets picked and see how the story kicks off. I bet that you'll do great in your first app fic, author-nim. So good luck and HWAIGHTING!!!~<3 *holds up fist and smiles, then huggles*






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