Reverse Harem Animes

Reverse Harem Anime's are so smexy. *drools*
I wish I could be surrounded by hot guys, they are giving me to many ideas for stories
and then some. I need to stay away from them. Japan need's to put out more reverse harem
anime's; I would die happy.



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Iheart2ne1 #1
The heroines in reverse harem animes are so lucky... I wanna be fought over by hot boys too T~T
Have you noticed that 95% of the time reverse harems have the most stupid female leads? It pisses me off to no end. They're so pathetically weak willed it makes me want to cry. Thankfully there are a few exceptions.
But regardless, it still makes me want to be surrounded by hot guys too.
Have you seen Hiiro no Kakera and Hakuouki? Bishiesss~
They're both made by the same company; I really like the art ><