A Few Things About Myself ^^

Just thought I'd share some stuff about me :)

I enjoy anime/manga's a lot, my favorite has got to be Dragonball Z ^^ I also enjoy Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hell Girl, Tsubasa Chronicle, Kurosuji (off and on with this but it's not so bad), xxxHolicxxx, Rurouni Kenshin...the list goes on XD

I'm a writer who's passionate about my work, and dreams of becoming a succesful author so I can make a living off my works. Yes I love writing for fun; but what's the harm in wanting to make a living off of my stories right? That's not bad is it?

I graduated highschool in 2010 *woot, woot! XD*

The thing that really fascinates me is the supernatrual; I LOVE learning about ghosts/spirits you name it there all so curious to me, like why are they still here? Why haven't they 'moved on' yet, what's keeping them here?

I'm a huge K-Pop fanatic XD DBSK Forever Five ^//^

Changmin is my bias from DBSK, I love all of them to be honest; but Changmin's my fave ^^ I don't care if anyone else likes him either, like most fangirl's do >.> It's a little scary how obsessive some of them can be over their idol's ^^;

I'm a HUGE fangirl XD I don't care if you dislike ...just please don't insult it in front of me, it hurts people's' feelings if you do that crap. I also like hetero pairings :)

SNSD is my favorite girl group, but I think other's are pretty good too. Listened to a few Wonder Girl's songs, 4Minute, APink, FX, Nine Muses, they're alright..but SNSD will always be my fave girl group :)

I draw every now and then, own a Deviantart account but my drawings eggs V.V

Hmmm what else can I share about myself? *ponders for a minute*

Oh! My biggest pet peeves are haters, those that tell other's how they should write their story and how this should happen; it's the WRITER'S CHOICE what they want to have. It's THEIR STORY not your's got it?, Grammar Nazi's (if you're a nice Grammar Nazi were cool but if you're a rude one who makes fun of someone's grammar...you .), DBSK/JYJ/Homin haters, seriously if you loved JYJ when they were with Homin why are you hating on them? They're from the same group es! (LOL Red Foreman moment their XD)

That 70's Show is my FAVORITE television series ^^ Whenever I hear '!' Red Foreman pops in my head XD

....Yes I also enjoy the Twilight series too and own all four books/movies *hides in a ditch* but I'm also a Harry Potter fan too; I think it's silly when people compare Twilight and Harry Potter; they are two totally different books, and are good in their own ways.



And that's it I guess :shrug: Just kind of bored today...


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Yay more Changmin fans :D XD

Grammar Nazi's don't normally bother me...but I heard this one person say, no matter what country a person is from they 'must have perfect grammar' *rolls eyes* I mean really...
lol changmin is my dbsk bias too! he's my second ultimate bias! :3 <3

i'm kind of a grammar nazi.. kind of but not really, i don't really tell people or the person, just pisses me off when people's grammar . :L

AKTF! ^^
Lol yeah XD When fans seriously plot ways to kidnap their idol's...it freaks me out a little ^^;

Sure I don't mind if you PM me ^^
I think stealing people in general is illegal and crazy xDD I think it's called kidnapping? Heheh~

I would definitely have been creeped out. I think I would have admired his effort and then killed him for it. :PP

I don't mind your comments being long :P
I've had a few experiences myself, that's why I asked. Want to discuss ghosts over PM? lol~
@worldofmyown: Ah! Forgot to answer your question XD

Yeah I've had one or two experiences: A few day's after my great-grandma passed away around when I was a sophomore in highschool, my nana and my aunt were standing in her old bedroom just talking to each other; when all of a sudden my great-grandma's old lamp crashed onto the floor.

The two of them weren't anywhere near it, I was in my room so no one else was in their with them; plus the lamp was plugged in mind you and it was nowhere near the edge of the table or anything.

My nana joked around and said 'Well looks like mom, wants us to know she's here still.' Or something like that XD

That's it really...I can't remember if I've had, any other experiences or not :/ But I do kind of remember; back when I was little, my grandpa passed away year's ago in 1998 I believe. My little brother was only about three/four year's old then I think; but it seemed like he was talking to someone only there was no one there in front of him or anything.

Sorry I have a habit of making, long comments XD
@worldofmyown: O.O No, no stealing idol's is illegal and crazy XD Just admire him from afar ^^ Whoa lifesize cutouts? Uh...those freak me out a little honestly XD It's like, if you had them in your room wouldn't you get creeped out by them 'staring' at you all the time? XD

@BlytheForever12: Omo really? =o Cool XD
OMG YOU ARE LIKE.... *faints*
:0 I love Changmin too! We should go steal him together LOOOL /notreally

The supernatural ever fascinates me. Have you had any experiences with ghosts personally?

And Twilight and Harry Potter are indeed totally different. Why would people compare the two? 0_o The only things I own Twilight related are two: a parody book called the Twie saga, and a T-shirt which says "I'm angry you think I read Twilight" on the back. Uhhh... *awkward turtle*
My brother used to work in a cinema, and they were allowed to take the cardboard cutouts once the cinema was done with them to do with different movies. He said he was tempted to take all the Twilight life-size cutouts and put them in my room, to see how I'd freak out. Hehe~ Luckily he didn't, what would I do with a life-size Bella Swan???