Not cool, bro ):

I've joined AFF for about 2 or 3 months now and I love it ! Though something really bothers me.. In most fan fics, Block B is always these player, dirty, scumbag guys who drink and go to clubs, etc. THAT'S NOT COOL BRO.

Why's Block B always the bad gangster guys ?! That's not right ! Can't all of them have angel-like kingka characters for once ?! Just because they cuss doesn't mean they're bad people. I bet most celebrities curse too, just not on camera. Block B has the guts to curse on camera and that's what I admire about them.

Their confidence, charisma, and awesome personalities. I'm just asking people to write good fan fics about Block B from now on.. They're always like badass guys who people fear, but then in the end they become nicer. Why can't they be nice throughout the WHOLE story ?

That's not fair for the Block B guys ): I love them and enjoy reading fan fics about them, but they're always bad player guys who go to the club and are erted or mean. *Sigh..* My poor babies 3

So yeh, the point of this is to tell people that they should respect Block B more as nice guys. Thanks for reading, hope you guys change your prospective of them !


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2PMOkTaec #1
yes! do that!! ^^
I agree with you /: I might write one soon so I'll put Block B in it as nice boys :D
2PMOkTaec #3
I dont understand that either!! Block B are amazing guys with a lot of talent! People should not go around classifying them as gangsters that love to go clubbing! Although i have to admit that some of the fanfictions are rather good... U-Kwon is the cutest thing alive!! Block B hwaiting!! ^^