Day 9: Infinite 30 Days Meme


Day 9 - Infinite choreography that you memorized or want to learn


BTD (Before the Dawn). My bias is already showing, isn't it? How many times have I already answered BTD on my memes? =)) Seriously, of all the dances they have, I think BTD is one of the slickest and best, among Hysterie/CBA/Shot. I can already dance about 75% of the song. :) Lately I've been lazy to learn the remaining 25%. My favorite parts are the rap parts, especially Dongwoo's rap parts. The choreo on those parts are just daebak, idk but I really find it easy and cool at the same time. ;D

credits to whoever made this HUGE gif. <3

But if I have to choose from all of their choreographies (meaning, including those songs that they covered on dance battles/etc), I'll also choose their "Fly Like a G6" performance. It's so good and I really wanna learn it. Too bad, I'm still too lazy to practice. I actually already have the video file on my computer but I always end up ignoring it. /bricked



I love this one. Sungjong you cute bb! At 2:30 you could hear the people cheer when they started dancing in sync. LOL And when they started putting their shades! OTL Dongwoo and Hoya ILY XD 


I also like this one: (recent dance battle with ZE:A and Dalmatian)








P.S. BEAST's Fiction and Fact is daebak. Just... daebak.


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