100 Truths

I'm stealing again. xD This time from Hana~


~Well..This is 100 Truth's About Me~ :


NAME: Denice Yasmin Roolvink

AGE: 18

BIRTH DATE: February 2nd 1993





1. last beverage  ~> water

2. last phone call ~> Brother

3. last text message ~> Laat het mij dan ook weten, ben benieuwd. (Let me know as well, I'm curious)

4. last song you listened to ~> By Your Side - Tenth Avenue North

5. last time you cried  ~> Last week




6. dated someone twice  ~>  No

7. been cheated on twice ~> No

8. kissed someone & regretted it  ~>No~ 

9. lost someone special  ~> Yes

10. been depressed ~> Who hasn't been.. xD 

 11. been drunk and threw up ~> No




12. Purple


14. Black (I like darker colors~)




15. Made a new friend ~> Yeap

16. Fallen out of love ~> No

17. Laughed until you cried ~> I do that all the time. xD

18. Met someone who changed you ~> Indeed I did. 

19. Found out who your true friends were  ~> Yes

20. Found out someone was talking about you  ~> yes, but then again everyone talks about everyone over here. xD

21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list ~> No I did not. xD




22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life ~> Almost all of them. Except maybe 10?

24. Do you have any pets  ~> No. I had fish, but they died. lol.

25. Do you want to change your name ~> Heck no~ My name's special~

26. What did you do for your last birthday ~> Good question, it was so interesting that I forgot what I did. XD

27. What time did you wake up today ~> 11.29 am. I love my sleep. xD

28. What were you doing at midnight last night ~> watching Meteor Garden season 2 and chatting with Clarisa and keeping an eye on weeklykvariety.com to see if there were any new comments. I'm busy at midnight. XD

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for ~> B2ST's new album! I want my copy like right now~

30. Last time you saw your Mother ~> Last night. xD

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ~> I can't really complain, but it's slightly boring. xD

32. What are you listening to right now ~> Jay Park ft. Cha Cha Malone - Speechless (I love love love that song!)

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ~> Yes. (wtf is up with this random question? xD)

34. What's getting on your nerves right now ~> Uploading is slow.

35. Most visited webpage ~> Weeklykvariety.com and aff.

37. Nickname ~> Niesje, Kleuter, Deniceje.

38. Relationship Status ~> Single ~

39. Zodiac sign ~> Aquarius

40. He or She ~> He! No doubt about it. XD

41. Elementary ~> Like wtf do they mean? xD If it's the name then st. Gerardusschool

42. High School ~> Bonhoeffer college vd waalslaan

43. College ~> Saxion Enschede, university of applied sciences.

44. Hair color ~> Dark brown, but right now slightly dark purple-ish.xD

45. Long or short ~> Long~

46. Height ~> I think I'm gonna surprise people with this. xD 178 cm. lol.

47. Do you have a crush on someone? ~> Hmm do I? I think I do. xD

48. What do you like about yourself? ~> My height~ And my hands and my eyes. And I just lvoe myself in general. =P

49. Piercings ~> earrings~

50. Tattoos ~> No thank you, and my dad would kill me. xD

51. Righty or lefty ~> Lefty.~




52. First surgery ~> None~

53. First piercing ~> Ears

54. first bestfriend ~> Manouk

55. First sport you joined ~> Swimming

56. First vacation ~> US. Been there alot ever since I was little. XD

58. First pair of trainers  ~> Wait what? xD Trainers as in shoes? xD




59. Eating ~> Nothing~

60. Drinking ~> Nothing~ I am thirsty though. xD

61. I'm about to ~> Work on some poster requests.

62. Listening to ~> Nicki Minaj - Super Bass

63. Waiting for ~> the day I get to go to a B2ST/2NE1/Wang Leehom concert. ㅠ.ㅠ





64. Want kids? ~> Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.

65. Get Married? ~> Now that I do want.

66. Career? ~> Good question... xD




67. Lips or eyes ~> Eyes~

68. Hugs or kisses ~> Kisses xD

69. Shorter or taller ~> I'm tall enough, but if I had to choose, taller.. xD

70. Older or Younger ~> Older

71. Romantic or spontaneous ~> Spontaneous

72. Nice stomach or nice arms ~> Really.. How can someone pick nice arms here? Nice stomach.. duh!

73. Sensitive or loud ~> Loud!

74. Hook-up or relationship  ~> Relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant ~> Hesitant.




76. Kissed a stranger ~> No~

77. Drank hard liquor ~> Yes.

78. Lost glasses/contacts ~> Nope don't have either. xD

79. on first date ~> No thank you.

80. Broke someone's heart ~> Yes

81. Had your own heart broken ~> Yes

82. Been arrested ~> Rofl, I may have stupid actions at times, but I'm not that stupid. xD

83. Turned someone down ~> Yes.

84. Cried when someone died  ~> If you don't, you're heartless. So yes.

85. Fallen for a friend ~> Yes. xD




86. Yourself ~> Of course!

87. Miracles ~> Miracles happen from time to time.

88. Love at first sight ~> Yes.

89. Heaven ~> Not so sure about this one.

90. Santa Claus ~> ㅋㅋㅋ lol what if I say yes? xD

91. Kiss on the first date  ~>  Depends. : )

92. Angels ~> Angels as in people, yes.




93. Had more than one gf/bf ~> At the same time? No. XD

94. Ever cheated by somebody? ~> Yes

95. Did you sing today ~> Yes. lol

96. Turned someone down ~> Yes.

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why ~ Last year, would have made better choices regarding my study and I would've enjoyed my vacation more. xD

99. Are you afraid of falling in love ~>No, why would I be? Isn't that supposed to be a beautiful thing?

100. Do you like/love/appreciate one who made this?~> Should I like/love/appreciate you?




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b2uty4kiki #1
Don't mind me~ I was bored and decided to be a stalker XD awwww you were 18 when you did this~~~~~~ :D also I just looked at the beast concert photos and died!
nisyaz #2
178 cm? I'd have to look up if we're ever to meet and everything just to talk to you lol. I'm only 166 cm grrrrrr
minionsbanana #3
hahaha.. u copied it from mine right? ahahaha~<br />
WTH?! 178 cm?! I'm just..146 cm..huwaaa~~ <br />
By the way, my friend's height just about minus 8 from you! :)
wow.. your height was 178 cm?<br />
wow.... so tall.. erm..<br />
nice survey..^^