"Hwasong Shrine's Love Department!" Application



Username: Gingi_306
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/9280


Name: Bang YoungMi
Nickname: Mimi
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 5, 1994


Personality: At first, YoungMi might seem like a really shy person. If you try to have a conversation with her for the first time, she may only nod, or shake her head to answer questions; and she will only say a few words. However, after a few minutes into the conversation, YoungMi musters up enough confidence to have a proper chat the person. After YoungMi engages herself into a regular conversation with someone, she immediately likes to see that person as an ally. Even though, YougMi doesn’t always enjoy conversations with random people, in school, if she were to be partnered up with somebody she doesn’t know, she would always try to get to know the person so that she could collaborate with them.

YoungMi doesn’t mind trying new things. Whenever she does, she is determined to finish what she has started. So she is a pretty confident person. She doesn’t scare easily, but she loves to scare her friends. YoungMi is a nice person so she doesn’t enjoy pulling pranks on other people, but when it comes to her friends, she enjoys mocking them and scaring them.

YoungMi is a bright person. She likes to laugh, smile, and she’s almost always in a happy mood. However, if she hears bad news, she’ll be in a grumpy mood. She is very athletic and she loves sports, but most of all she likes to run. She doesn’t like being lazy unless it’s a holiday.

  • Rap music
  • Smiling
  • Watching movies
  • Fairytales
  • Banana milk
  • Food
  • Spicy food
  • Sports
  • Physical activities
  • Running
  • Saw (the movie)
  • Gum
  • Most animals
  • Dance

  • Awkward atmospheres
  • Walking (she prefers running instead)
  • Flying insects
  • Melons
  • Grapes
  • Sour candy
  • Watermelons
  • Birds
  • Cats

  • Biting nails
  • Doodling when bored
  • Sticking her tongue out when trying to focus
  • Pacing
  • Fiddling with objects around her

  • Allergic to cats
  • Has a birthmark under her left eye
  • From grades 7-10 she dyed her orange
  • Has a scar on her knee from running and tripping
  • Naturally has black hair, but at the moment, it is dyed brown
  • Isn’t good with grammar


Ulzzang Name: Lee So Ah

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Kim SeulMi
Fashion Style: YoungMi doesn’t like dressing up in girly clothes. She doesn’t like dresses, skirts, or flats. She prefers converse, sneakers, shirts, pants or shorts. Even though she doesn’t like girls clothes, she doesn’t mind wearing girly colors such as pink or purple.


Family members:
  • Bang JunBu II 51 II Business Man II Father. Strict but caring. Wants the best for his kids
  • Park MiHyun II 49 II Owns a Flower Shop II Mother. Loves her children very much. Caring.
  • Bang YongGuk II 22 II Older Brother. YoungMi sees him as her role-model. He is a kind brother, but sometimes, YoungMi annoys him. They get along pretty well, but have had a few arguments.

Best Friend(s):
  • Kim YuMi II 17 II Student II Friend. Willing to do anything to help YoungMi and vise versa
  • Shin Dongho II 17 II Idol II Friend. Caring friend but sometimes likes to tease YoungMi
  • Yoo YoungJae II 17 II Idol II Friend. Kind. Always there for YoungMi. Acts like an older brother to her and is protective of her.


Love interest(s):
  1. B.A.P. YoungJae
  2. EXO-K SeHun
  3. SHINee Taemin
About him:
  1. YoungJae II 17 II He is a kind hearted person but sometimes he acts like a know-it-all. He is polite and kind to everyone.
  2. Sehun II 17 II He is quiet and shy around people, but not around people he knows well. Around them he uses his aegyo and he isn’t really shy.
  3. Taemin II 18 II He is very bubbly person. He always smiles, is very calm and very nice. He also loves to dance.

What can we help you with?: She has a crush on Taemin but is too nervous to confess to him. In addition, she doesn't know how to confess and she is scared to ruin their friendship.
Your prayer to the shrine: You can write one
Relationship with him:
  1. Since he is YongGuk’s friend, YoungJae and YoungMi are very close. They always hang-out with each other and they act like brother and sister, which is why YoungJae is protective of YoungMi. YoungJae loves to correct YoungMi’s mistakes. (has a huge crush on YoungMi)
  2. SeHun and YoungMi were classmates in school and they were partnered quite a few times together so they were able to become close. Since they were in the same class, they always studied together and sat next to each other in class when their other friends weren’t there. He is very kind and caring to YoungMi however he makes fun of her from time to time. (YoungMi has a crush on SeHun and vise versa)
  3. Taemin and YoumgMi became friends because they both like to dance. Since YoungMi isn’t the best dancer, Taemin usually teaches her himself as if he was her dance instructer. They enjoy dancing together and whenever they have time they like to meet up and make up their own dance routines together. (YoungMi has a huge crush on Taemin)
Love Rival: Sulli. She has a crush on Taemin and she is very jealous of how he is always spending time with YoungMi.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Requests? Anything can go here:

YoungMi's crush on TaeMin isn't really a crush. She only thinks she likes him because she admires him as a person but not as a lover. TaeMin only sees her as a friend and a dance-buddy. He likes Sulli, but he doesn't show it. YoungMi's true feelings are actually for YoungJae, she always thought it was just the brother-sister type love, but it is actually something more than that. As for Sehun, he's just a minor crush.

PASSWORD: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzedddpukk1qgrllxo1_500.png


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