Big Brother


Big brother
Your heart is filled with pain and loneliness
You can never get rid of them
Not even if you rip your heart out
Not even if you rip your heart out
But you can
Evade it with happiness and joy
But where will you find them?
Where will you find them?

Big brother
I'm always there for you
Come to me when you need to talk
Come to me when you need a hug

Big brother
Tears fell from my eyes
When I saw your heart
Ripped out of your chest
And your hands were covered with blood

Big brother
Why didn't you say anything?
Why do you always keep it to yourself?
I thought we were brothers
Brothers don't keep secrets from each other

Big brother
You are me
And I am you
It would be shameful
To lie to yourself

Big brother
Live peacefully
And I hope you will find someone
To cure your sick heart
One day you will
One day you will
Find someone to cure your sick heart
And live happily and peacefully

Big brother
I'll miss you
And remember
You will always
Always stay in my heart
And there...
You will find your happiness

Big brother
But why?
After everything we did together
After we finally
Started to know each other…

Big brother
You fell
From near heaven
To the depths of hell
If I were there
I would've caught you
But I wasn't
And now I'm scared

Big brother
Where is your soul?
I want to talk
I would so willingly
Give up my heart
To know
What happened to you

Big brother
I remember now
When you came that night
You were injured, wounded and hurt
Both body and soul

Even in your eyes
I could see
The pain and suffering
A thousand years can bring

Deception and desertion
Were your very life
I knew
When your fist hit my face
Tears held back for a thousand years
You shed them now
In front of my eyes

I gave you an offer
But you wouldn't believe
I promised brotherhood
But you thought you would be deceived

Then I did it
I broke the black diamond
That encircled your heart
That locked your emotions
So far away
So deep

The walls melted
Right in front of me
In a night
With the power of a star
A star so great

I saw it in the sky
A bright red light
So far away
And next to it
You said
Was a yellow star

You told me their story
One I would have never dreamed of
In my entire life

After that
You told me so many
And I told you
Many things as well

Big brother
You said you loved
The winter and spring
The first was
You said to me
A world so fragile
So beautiful
But lonely at the same time

The second
Was the blossom
Of a flower
Planted by the dead themselves
Their hopes and dreams
You said to me
Would turn to little seeds
That will always

And I told you
That I loved the autumn's colors
And the summer's freedom

Big brother
You loved a tree
You said it was there
When you were a kid

More than a thousand years old
And still
It shows its age
With pride

You called it home
I remember

Big brother
Don't worry
I will
Take you back
To your home
You shall live on
As long
As your home lives.

(I know it's bad and it sounds weird but this is a poem about two twins, the older has comitted suicide and this is what tthe younger said when he found him.


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