A Great Big Realisation....

So, for anyone who knows me and is reading this....


.... I currently just brought out a new fic and whenever i write new fics, i always write a WHOLE LOT of jibber-jabber on the foreword to say the things i need to say about the fic, my other fics and some other things.


... Since i havent been reading fics lately AT ALL, i recently just took a look at other fics and what i realised is that they dont write as much as i do in their forewords....


.... So the question that arised within my brain is...














Do i really talk/type a lot here :S?






Please give me a truthful answer and comment. Thank you.


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Yes, you do umma. But like what I said before, I like your talkative-ness. :D
Yeah, I'm being honest here. Hahaha.