Youtube Comments

9:38 PM

I have been the artist in Korea ever read our comments on their Music Videos? I mean, I know I have said many thing that would make me blush if they ever read them. But, come on, don't you ever think about that? As you continue watching the Music Videos look at the comments and think what the artists say and think when they read it.

I'm pretty sure that the artists that sing these songs that we all love so much are happy that we are commenting, but some of the comments are just... *blushes blood red* I mean! Seriously! You read them! And I have read some comments that could make even the most erted reader blush! And that is really harder to do! My friend blushed and she can read the most hardcore you have ever seen and not blush, but reading on e of the comments I showed her, BAM, her face was red as a freaking tomatoe!

So, I ask once more...what do you think the artist are thinking when they read our comments.



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