DENOTE appie

[ username ] b2stkiseobness

[ profile link ] 


-- do i know you?

[ character name ] Jeon "Micky" Juyeon

[ nickname/s ] Ju

[ birthday ] 10/14/95

[ age ] 16

[ ethnicity ]  Korean American

[ birthplace ] Merriville, IN

[ hometown ] Gary, IN

[ languages spoken ]  English -fluent; Korean-fluent

[ blood type ] AB


-- look at me now.

[ ulzzang/model name ] Kim Hyo Yeon -i know she's not one, but she is to me-

[ ulzzang/model pictures ] 

[ back-up ulzzang/model name]

[ back-up ulzzang/model pictures ]  4+ HQ Links.

[ style ]   ( choices of clothing) 

[ extras/hidden ]    ( on left wrist)



-- behind that face.

[ personality ] 

Well, sometimes i can be mean, but that's only because certain people get on my nerves. I don't really care how they feel afterwords cuz did they care how i felt when they bothered me? I don't think so. Anyways, I can be nice...if i wanted to, that is. But, believe me, i am not no girl who is y.....oh no sir.....oh no ma'am......i am not. I'm also the type of girl who is nice and caring to those i feel really, truly desreve it. I also do not like to be taken advantage of, because that only means that i am being a push-over....basically, if you take my kindlyness for a weaklyness, you will have to suffer the consequences.......if you play that game with won't win.....*smiles 'innocently'*

[ background ]

I was born in America on Oct.14/95, and yes, it Halloween at that time. Don't ask me if i have powers cuz that is a stupid question to ask someone anyway.I went to school in Merriville,IN, even though i was born in Gary,IN. At age 4, i ended up living with my Uncle, Greg Diggs, who was in Pyeongyang,North Korea. I had to move there because my mom worked there as a secret agent for some company, and my was flying with me because he was a lawyer there, as well. So, yeah...a good life. My Uncle treated me well, fed me, made sure to leave me with my older brother Jay(DGNA), or my Aunt Mila while he was at work. Greg was a spy........crazy right? So, i went to the school that jay went to once i turned 12, which was 5 blocks away.


When i turned 13, i went to another school in Daegu. There, i met a lot of Jay's friends. They didn't like me cuz i had a bad- mouth. But, ay, it ain't my fault they started making fun of my generation.....they played the wrong game......and they lost. Terribly. Once i was 14, i went back to my old school, only to see my besties there. I was so excited! We were forming a group, and the name was S.O.L, or in other words, Signs Of Love. That group name means that there are many signs at showing your love, like for instance, my current tattoo of rose with a skull by it is a sign meaning 'love kills', or 'love is over'. Soon, when i turned16, for my 16th b-day, we all decided to get tattoos that described our signs, and since mine was and still is heart-breaker, i got the one with roses and a skull beside it. ( see pic above).

[ likes ] candy; darkness; rough playing; foot ball; writing; doodling; singing

[ dislikes ] clutter; death; clowns; bugs

[ hobbies ]  drawing; singing; writing; typing

[ habits ]  looking up at the sky/ceiling when thinking; biting nails when nervous; spacing out when tired; being snappy with people in the mornings w/o trying to

[ trivia ]  i beat up someone when 3 yrs old

                     never had a boyfriend

                     never liked ignorrant people

                      always broke hearts for myself, and other people who were too "scared to do so" 


--  meet my family.

[ parents ] Lisa Jeon(43)- works as a secret agent

                       Felix Jeon(45)- works as a lawyer

                       Mila Diggs(31)- works as a spy

                       Greg Diggs(32)- works as a spy

[ siblings ] Jay Jeon{nephew of my dad' sister, Mila/ brother of mine} (19)- works at a coffee shop


-- i know them personally.

[ best friends ]

Choi Soo Young(18)

Lee Ki Kwang(17)

[ friends ]

Im Yoon A(17)

Kim Hyun A(16)

Kwon Yu Ri(17)

Jang Hyun Seung(19)

Kevin Woo(16)

[ rival ]

Choi Si Won

[ why ] 

 Because he broke Sooyoung's heart...and i for one don't break my friend's hearts if someone asked me to do that.

[ love interest ]

Lee Ki Kwang

[ personality ] 

Sweet, kind, caring, mean, and playfull

[ how you met ]

I was in the dance studio about to leave when all of a sudden someone grabbed me. I didn't know at first that i had almost fell, until he asked me, "Hey, you alright? You almost fell." After that, we became besties. I guess you can say it was love at first sight....but i can't be in love with my best friend...right?

[ how does he/she acts around you ] 

He acts all nice with me, and does a little skinship sometimes....and it seems like he's always staring at me whenever i'm talking, or something like that. But when we are around our buddies, he doesn't act, or do those things....except the staring and skinship....sometimes. IDK...he confuses me, ok?


-- I know you'll be a superstar.

[ stage name ] Shardinae

[ position ] maknae, vocals, lead rapper

[ training years ] 1 yr and 2 mnths

[ fan club name ] Crazynessess

[ fan club color ] light blue & black

[ persona ]


-- the end. 


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