~Le Facebook Account?

Hello :D Does anybody have Facebook? wanna be friends with me? -I feel like a right loner for asking- XDD But I really wanna get in touch to some people here~ and If you want just add me up (Click the weird picture) *coughs* that's me ._.


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SomethingExtra #1
*is Late but eh. School&Church kept me busy* Friend Request Sent ^^
I already sent a request... :D

aiiii!! kyopta!!
Me~ i need.more k-lovers friends :)
Im not very active with facebook because most of my friends talk about their life and such but im not like that so yeah.. Alia Hartini<-- my fb name =>
Kekeke~~! Gomawo~~~!! <3 thanks for the add too^^
i added chu unnie! ^^;;
you look so pretty~ c:
Gomawo~ ^.^
yeppeuda ^^ and I have facebook LOL i think alot of people do ^^