The Seoul School for the Gifted- Application


Profile Link:

Username: Harasofea


Name: Oh 'Lauren' Hye Mi

Ethnicity: Korean-Born American

Birthplace: California, USA.

Hometown: San Francisco, California.

Current Location: Seoul, South Korea.

Blood Type: O

Birthdate: 2nd January 1995


Gender: Female

Height: 168cm

Weight: 45kg


  1. Name: Kim Jee In
  2. 3 Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

School Applying to: School for the musically talented

Personality:Lauren isn't the shy type, she loves attention. People see her as cute,sweet shy girl. But she is actually noisy and arrogant. She likes it when people compliments her and if anyone gets on her bad side, she'll will play the innocent bullied girl and you'll be the bad guy. But behind all of that, she is super sensitive. She's scared that anyone would leave her or a simple word could bring her down to pieces. She's doesn't say much when you first meet her and when you get to know her, shes an open person. She hates being left alone. But yet again, shes very unpredictable. One she'll be crazy kkab princess and sometimes she lets out a spontaneous joke.

Background:Lauren was born in San Francisco,California. Her mother died giving birth to her and at the age of 5, Lauren starts to show her abilities in writting songs and sing. At the time she felt bad that her mother died to give birth to her and she wrote a song, it was very cute song for 5 year old. Her siblings cherishes her very much. At age of 7 she took violin and piano lessons, which she mastered at the age of 10. When she turned 12, she became known for her musical ability.

Family: Father- Jung Yang Seok,45, a pastry chef who owns a cake shop.

Mother- Ryu Eun Joo,44, a veterian. She works at Seoul Zoo.

Sister- Jung 'Lucy' Ji Eun, 15, Student.  

Brother- Jung Myung Jae 'Jason', 19, Musician-Student.


  • Bites her lips when shes feeling nervous
  • Angers when telling a lie
  • Fixes her hair whenever she sees a reflection of herself
  • She eats when shes bored
  • She laughs when she tries to hold back tears.


  • Lightning
  • Storm
  • Darkness
  • Going bankrupt
  • Lizards


  • Japanese Fashion

  • Food

  • Photography

  • Oranges

  • Bread(especially melon ones)

  • Pappermint Tea

  • Music

  • SNS(Social Networking Site)

  • Manga

  • Snow


  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberry
  • Hot weather
  • Antis
  • Hackers
  • Sweet Icings
  • Sweet stuff
  • Insects
  • Stalkers
  • Being compared

Languages: Fluent English,Conversational Korean and Japanese.

Extra Classes: Music and Drama Class, Gymnastic.


Natalie Kwak-17-Student- Lauren's best friend from Junior High in Cali. They always text and shares the same interests, accept that Natalie is interested in Hollywood.

Lee Seul-17-Trainee- She is the first friend Lauren made when she came to Korea and she is SM Ent's Trainee.

Jung Hwa Young -17-Trainee- Lauren's first korean best friend since she came to Korea.

Love Intrest:  Zelo of B.A.P-16-Shy and kind-Same class in Music.

Rival to love intrest: Hwang Nana, 16.


What is your strongest point :  Rapping 7 , Singing 9, Dancing 10.

Instrumentals: Can play violin,Piano and Guitar. Wants to learn the drums.


Strongest Subject:  Writting.

Boarding School:

Why are you in the boarding school?: Lauren went to Korea alone without her family and decided to boarding.

Extras: :3 nothing! just fighting author-nim!!



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