
Hey everyone



I'm sorry t say this but..



Im not gonna be updating my stories for a while..

I'm currently active with Exo Planet Trailer request shop

but that's not the reason..



I've been feeling quit depressed these days..



Feeling so blue..

u know..

i'm so sick of my life..

everything's always the same and it makes me feel like there'sno point in life..

i mean we'r all gonna die somday and all this would have been a waste..



So yeah..

and it's not like i can ever see my biases or anything..

i seriously thought of auditioning for SM or JYP..

but then wat's the use..

im not even dat good..

but i rlli do wanna become a kpop star.. T__T


If anyone can make me feel better..

please do...






meanwhile i leave you with GIFS..







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-sigh- i know how u feel, i feel like tht all the time but i dont show it, everybody thing im the cheereful excited and happy girl on the outside but inside im lsot, confused, and wanting for it to stop but it wont, and i cant tell anyone cuz i dont think they would understand, i know how u feel but for me, im alot worse than u. >.< -.-
If you feel like you need to take time off do...depression is a trricky thing and you'll need something to let you escape and not because it might make you famous or increase. Ur subbies but because it makes you feel alive