Stop it.

Okayokayokay. Here's the big pain that's been annoying me for a while. Stop. Calling. Siwon. Shisus. Let's be real, Christianity is his lifestyle and practice. He was born to follow Jesus Christs' teachings. I, myself, being a Christian-Catholic have tried to view myself on Siwons position. Honestly If I was the reason that people would make macros and create a new found 'religion' I wouldn't feel comfortable. I mean really, think about those macros, they may seem funny to fans but what about /actual/ Christians? And Siwon? Siwon wouldn't say anything, not because of his image or that SM might have a fit, but because he's too nice to reject any of his fans ideas. I will never call him Shisus. It's too much. (actuallyhavinganyotheridolisagainstourreligionbutitstoolateforthatnowisntit?) Be mindful and aware of what you decide. --hanma


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