I need your help ~

HAI GUISEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. *chokes* I NEED YOUR HELP! It's for my French homework keke. DO YOU THINK TRAVELING IS A GOOD WAY TO KNOW MORE PEOPLE? [Makes sense? o.o] kay, so that's the question. I translated it from French lol (x I know it's an easy question.. But I want your opinions (: I have no idea what to write o____o so yeah I need your help by telling me. I say Yes, It's a good idea/way. But Why? I don't know. HELP. Please. <3 c:


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Aw thank you~ <3
Traveling lets you expand your horizons on the diffrent cultures, beliefs, and values of other people. You can meet so many people who can showcase that to you. Its a great way to meet new people because if they ( the people of the place) know your foreigners and you politely approach them you can attempt conversations, or even say hi.


Hope I helped a bit~ Since you always help me :D
Keke. C'est une bonne idee car quand tu visites d'autres pays, tu vas t'ajuster à la culture du pays. Tu sera enfin plus ouvert aux gens qui habitent ce pays. Alors, si tu aimes comment c'est là-bas, tu feras des amies de ce genre de gens.
Thats what I think. C: