"Living In ◆ 생활 ◆ KBS' New Reality Show" Application



Lee So Ah


▲AFF Profile▲

AFF Username: Gingi_306
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/9280
On the scale of 1-10 : 9 (I have no life :P)

▲Basic Character Information▲

Name: Kim SooMi
Other names : Kristen
Nickname: Kris, SooSoo, MiMi
Nationality: Korean
Languages: Korean-Fluent | English-Conversational
Date Of Birth: December 19, 1991

Height: 170cm
Blood Type: O

▲Character Background▲


Occupation: Model | CF Actress
History : SooMi was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She lived with her  brother who is older by 2 years, and her mother; her father was always on business trips always flying to Korea and back. While living in L.A., she went to a Korean school. She did manage to learn quite a bit of English, but she never became fluent in the said language. In school, she wasn’t the most popular student, but she wasn’t an absolute loser. She had a reasonable amount of good friends, and a couple of best friends, but she was picked on a bit for her weird personality.

At the age of 7 SooMi, her brother and her mother went to a circus. SooMi was very excited to go since her friends who already went had said it was a very fun place. At first SooMi was enjoying herself a lot, she loved seeing the clowns fool around, she found the cotton candy very delicious; but her favorite thing of all were the balloon animals. SooMi saw a few clowns make some for some other kids. She saw that those clowns were too busy with the other kids, so she went up to another clown and asked him if he could one for her. Unfortunately, she didn’t know that the clown was in a very bad mood, so when she went up to him and asked for a balloon animal, he yelled at her to get away from him. After that incident, SooMi never went to another circus or near another clown, but that never stopped her from eating cotton candy.

Unfortunately, 3 years later, after SooMi completed 5th grade, her mother was shot during a bank robbery. As a result, SooMi and her brother had to move Korea. There, her father took a new job so that he didn’t have to keep moving around. A year later, at age 11, SooMi was spotted in a cafe by a representative from ‘Elle Girl Magazine’ and was scouted to be a model. 4 years later, when she turned 15, SooMi began filming CF’s.


▲Character Personality▲

Personality: SooMi is a very loud and bubbly person. She loves to laugh and she loves to joke around. She is known to have an extremely loud uncontrollable crazy laugh. She has a wide, contagious smile and when she smiles, the people around her can't help but to do the same. She is an extremely talkative person and loves to engage herself in many conversations. She doesn't care if the person responds or not because if they don't, she gets to talk more and if they do, then she gets to have a conversation with someone. Unfortunately, quite a few people find SooMi annoying for her talkativeness. Though she seems shy at first, she is really a a hyper outgoing type of person. When she first meets someone, she tries to make a small conversation with them. However, she really doesn’t open up to them much; only once she gets to know somebody does she open up. Whoever SooMi becomes close to, is treated like a best friend.

SooMi isn't afraid of getting into new things, especially sports. She especially loves sports that include a lot of running; her favorite sports include: basketball, soccer, and baseball. SooMi also really doesn’t like it when she makes some mistake or when things don’t go her way; so she sometimes can be a bit of a control freak at times.

SooMi can be a major drama queen at times. She exaggerates every situation she’s involved in! If a person accidentally pokes their finger on the thorn of a rose, she goes crazy and acts as if the person needs to be rushed to emergency room. If she were to stub her toe, she’ll act as if she broke all the bones in her foot. If the internet would suddenly stop working, she’ll go around acting as if the world is about to end. When somebody says a hurtful comment to her, she pretends to bawl as if there is no tomorrow.

However, even though SooMi like to exaggerate everything and even act like a very happy person; there are time when she becomes emotionally hurt. She usually prefers to hide it, but when it is a very hurtful comment, she tends to run away from the scene and go cry in a hidden place if necessary. She doesn’t like it if people see her cry.

Public Persona: The Talkative Drama Queen

  • Taking selcas
  • Stickers
  • Dr. Seuss
  • Cartoons
  • Romantics movies
  • Little kids
  • Nature
  • Colors
  • Acting
  • Posing in front of Cameras
  • Small animals
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Laughing
  • Talking
  • Pizza
  • dukkboki
  • Cotton Candy
  • Ice cream
  • Hats

  • Vicious animals
  • Hot Dogs
  • Bullies
  • The color black
  • Circuses
  • Clowns
  • Big Shoes
  • Bugs
  • Awkward atmospheres
  • Crying
  • Violent things
  • Balloon animals
  • Being late
  • When things don’t go her way
  • Messy rooms

  • Taking selcas
  • Listening to music
  • Doodling on her arm or in books
  • Practicing lines for CF’s
  • Posing in front of mirrors
  • Playing games on iPad
  • Walking in the morning
  • Playing with her pet
  • Shopping (mainly for accessories)
  • Surfing the net for the latest scandals

  • Clowns
  • Heights
  • Snakes

  • Biting nails
  • Whistling
  • Tapping fingers when bored
  • fiddling with objects around her
  • Pacing

Atleast 10 things the 'audience would like to know about you:
  • Can never sit still
  • Can eat a lot and not gain weight
  • Not afraid to get her hands dirty
  • Is allergic to peanuts
  • Believe in superstitions
  • Believes in ghosts
  • Speaks her mind
  • Has a terrible singing voice
  • Is clumsy
  • Can’t drive
  • Is dyslexic <-- Click
  • Has a baby rabbit named DooRi <-- Click
  • Knows how to knit
  • Has a for beanie’s
  • Mixes up her l’s and r’s when speaking english
  • Can't write in Hangul to save her life (can only write very basic words)

Most used phrase: Okey-Dokey, Silly-Billy, Oopsies, Woopsy-Daisy
Favourite quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!”

▲Your Character's Pairing▲

Name : Kevin Woo
Band: U-Kiss
How do you see each other: Close Friends. Kevin undoubtfuly has feelings for SooMi but she is too blind to notice his feeling and hers.
How do you guys act around each other: Since Kevin and SooMi are close, they act very comfortable around each other; almost like brother and sisters. SooMi usually acts like an older sister to Kevin. Whenever he has trouble doing something, she would always in and try to help him. Kevin finds it a bit annoying because he is supposed to be the one to help her out when she needs help
Any scenes : If there is ever a time where they are high above ground, SooMi becomes very petrified and Kevin comforts her.
What would your pairing name be: The Foreigner couple

▲Other random thingy mabob▲

Backup Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong
Backup Pairing : U-Kiss Kiseop
PASSWORD: Boom ShakaLaka
Any other things you would like to add?: I like the password :)You don’t have to keep the pet if you don’t want it. In the beginning, SooMi doesn't have a crush on Kiseop, but he has a crush on her, however, SooMi starts developing feelings for him later on in the story.


UPDATE! (Be warned, I ramble on quite a bit from this point on)

Also, check right above the update I added in a little comment.

Favorite Color: Blue and Pink

Bands she listens to:

  • U-Kiss
  • Kara
  • SiStar
  • BoyFriend
  • SNSD
  • SHINee
  • B2ST
  • APink
  • HuhGak
  • IU
  • Secret
  • Rainbow
  • IU (Solo)
  • Wonder Girls
  • Big Bang
  • MissA
  • Sunny Hill
  • T-Ara

Crushes; mainly the Maknaes and a few others,
  • Dongho (U-Kiss)
  • SeungRi (Big Bang)
  • DongWoon (B2ST)
  • SungJong (INFINITE)
  • Mir (MBLAQ)
  • YoSeob (B2ST)
  • Kevin (U-Kiss)

Sports; she loves to play all sports but the ones she’s best at are (the first three are her favorites) :
  • BaseBall
  • BasketBall
  • FootBall/Soccer
  • Tennis

Clothes: SooMi likes to wear almost anything pants, hot shorts, jeans, skirts, blouses, t-shirts, sneakers, flats. You name it she’ll wear it. However, there are certain times where she won’t wear a specific type of clothing. For example, she won’t wear a sweater in the middle of the summer and she is most likely not going to wear shorts in the winter. In the summer, she wears shorts, t-shirts, skirts, etc. During winter, she loves to cover herself up. She’ll wear pants, long sleeved shirt under a sweater under a jacket; plus gloves, scarfs and ear-muffs. (she really doesn’t like the cold but she loves to play in the snow) If she’s is going to play outdoor games  or sports, she’ll wear sneakers, a thin t-shirt, and hot shorts; unless she’s playing tennis, then she’ll wear a skirt. If she’s just going outside to enjoy nature, then she’ll wear slippers, hot shorts that are like jeans, a tank top, and one of these (click; and sorry I have no idea what its called). Also, for sleeping, SooMi likes to wear cute and funny pj’s like this, this and this.

Random Facts:
  • SooMi loves to play around with her hair. One days it’ll be in braids, then the next in pigtails, then in a normal ponytail, then one on the side, then the other, she’ll sometimes put them near the top of her head, and sometimes it’ll be in a bun. Even though she likes to play with her hair, she doesn’t like using a curler or a straightener on her hair.
  • She always puts salt in her meals even before tasting it.
  • Her older brother’s name is SooHyun. They’re close and he only turns protective when he sees his sister crying.
  • Her first bias in U-Kiss was Soohyun because he has the same name as her brother.
  • Doesn’t believe in love at first sight
  • Loves to run and dance to K-Pop songs
  • Loves Winnie the Pooh, Pucca, Hello Kitty, and SpongeBob
  • Is currently obsessed with T-ara’s ‘Lovey-Dovey’ (song and dance) and Big Bang’s ‘Fantastic Baby’ (just the song)



Friends (Girls):

Jung Yunmi - http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/172736

Kim Su Yeon - http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/168540



People I don't get along with:


  • MyungSoo/L (INFINITE)


  • MinAh Jung

Pet Names: 

What SooMi calls KiSeop: 

  • Oppa~
  • Kiseoppie
  • Ducky (because of his Donald Duck impersonation) 
What they call each other:
  • Boo/Baby Boo
  • Pooh Bear
  • Yeobo
  • Jagiya
Sports wear: There will be a lot of links!

For muddy sports, sandy sports, and dirty sports, she just wears t-shirts and shorts with sneakers. She always ties her hair up when she plays any sports.


Shirts: http://suth2.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/glyph_shirts-500x376.jpg


  • http://www.luckydogvolleyball.com/store/ProductImages/shorts_PNK_011_Small.jpg
  • http://www.luckydogvolleyball.com/store/productimages/sportShorts_ORA_004_Small.jpg
  • http://womenonlybootcamp.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/31vwjswxiul.jpg
  • http://www.luckydogvolleyball.com/store/ProductImages/shortsSplatter_BLK_001_Small.jpg
  • http://image.spreadshirt.com/image-server/image/product/19037397/view/1/type/png/width/280/height/280/join-the-pink-ribbon-army-sport-shorts-1440.png
  • http://www.abercrombieandfitch-store.org/upfile/201110261405574223.jpg
  • http://image.spreadshirt.net/image-server/v1/products/21677992/views/2,width=378,height=378,appearanceId=345/flying-hearts-red/pink-shorts.png
  • http://www.directsportseshop.co.uk/Images/Large/babolat_performance_womens_shorts_pink.jpg

In winter she would wear the same thing except with a sweater or a hoodie on top if her shirt. She might also sometimes wear longer pants.

  • http://2-fashion.com/images/1082143-1.jpg
  • http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/361366121/women_s_casual_sportswear_hot_sale_.jpg
  • http://cdn101.iofferphoto.com/img3/item/213/879/450/l_korean-cartoon-lady-casual-sportswear-cute-suits-size-l-40ecb.jpg
  • http://www.wholesale7.net/images/201204/goods_img/28657_P_1335172909120.jpg
  • http://wholesale7.net/images/201204/goods_img/26408_P_1334024534262.jpg


  • http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Z9znF%2Bk-L._SL500__SS160_.jpg
  • http://csimg.pricesavvy.co.uk/srv/GB/29048133534480/T/340x340/C/FFFFFF/url/skechers-womens-black-tone.jpg
  • http://di1-4.shoppingshadow.com/images/pi/99/96/15/109679919-260x260-0-0_skechers+liv+smart.jpg

For Icy sports: Since she is a clutz she doesn't play many Icy sports but I will still put a couple of links

  • http://prettyprincessgirls.com/wp-content/themes/PPG/images/playtime/p-buzz/snowboard-gear-2.jpg
  • http://static5.depositphotos.com/1004049/503/i/950/depositphotos_5039859-Girls-ice-skating.jpg


Swimming: She doesn't like bikinis

  • http://aff.ysi.bz/assets/62/733/l_p0012873362.jpg
  • http://p.lefux.com/61/20111024/A3243000GG/swimsuits-korea-one-piece-stripe-chinlon-3295008-Gallay.jpg
  • http://aff.ysi.bz/assets/09/937/l_p0012793709.jpg
  • http://p.lefux.com/61/20111027/A3243000GH/swimsuits-korea-one-piece-triangle-chinlon-3294895-big.jpgg
  • http://aff.ysi.bz/assets/09/937/l_p0012793709.jpg
  • http://p.lefux.com/61/20111027/A3243000GH/swimsuits-korea-one-piece-triangle-chinlon-3294895-big.jpg


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Sure! I would love to be friends with your character! ^^ heheh
Hello~ For the Living in Update, I listed you as someone Sora doesn't get along with, I hope that is okay~ If not, let me know!
Omg high five! My character is also scared of Clowns and Mascots. By the way, i love your application form. ^^