I need help....

guys i need help...my boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and i cried for days but then a month later i got over him and now that i see him more often my feelings came back for him. idk what to do because if i tell him my true feelings i know that he'll straight up reject me. but my feelings cant let him go and any kind of kpop song makes me feel down and i dont want my life to be like that! i know that i should get over him really but i just cant my friends tell me its 'true love' but im not sure because my heart still needs healing again but it wont heal....my guyfriend tells me to fall in love with another guy but its impossible for me. i havent been the regular me at school and my friends dont know the only people that knows are my guyfriend that i trust the most and 2 of my best friends. 



What am i suppposed to do?! I'm so heart-broken but can't let him go. Is it really true love?


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okay thanks! :) thats ALOT of help. :)
Huh. If youre seeing him too often, maybe you should lessen that. Sometimes it takes longer to get over someone than a month.
If YOU truly feel that its LOVE then you could talk to him, try and sort things out but I wouldnt put my hopes up too high. Forcing yourself to like someone else will not work. Let things work out naturally and if it is meant to be then it is.
Maybe you should have some time to yourself to figure out what you want.